Td Summer School 2014


Between the 1st and 9th of September 2014 the Leuphana Center of Methods invited participants from academia, economy and civil society from all over the world to participate in the Td Summer School 2014 – Transdisciplinary Research at the Science | Society Interface and to deepen their knowledge in transdisciplinary research. The 17 participants came from nine different countries: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Uruguay, Taiwan, Venezuela, Colombia and Italy, which created and intercultural learning experience.

The participants were able to gain theoretical understanding by input lessons, as well as literature on history of science and contextualizing the emergence of transdisciplinary research in societal changes. Experts also gave input on methods for applying transdisciplinary research projects. In the middle of the week participants started to develop transdisciplinary Case Study Designs, where the topics were chosen by participants themselves along their actual activities and fields of research. In front of a plenary of participants and experts, the developed insights were presented on the last day.

The Td Training Module was followed by a Special Training Module on Mutual Learning in Urban Climate Change Adaptation in cooperation with the Climate Service Center Hamburg / HZG. In the following two days the emphasis was put on the topic of Climate in Change Adaptation in cities next to transdisciplinary methods as the Mutual Learning Sessions. Last but not least there was still time left for After-Work-Walks, a tour to the flourishing Lüneburger Heide as well as a tour through the Hafen City in Hamburg.

For more information, see our folder.