New MBA Digital Production Management starts in spring

2020-12-10 In April 2021 the MBA will begin at Leuphana Professional School. The extra-occupational course of study combines practical elements of digital production processes with theoretical principles of business administration.

Building on the curriculum of the already existing MBA Manufacturing Management programme, students at Leuphana Professional School learn scientific and practical professional backgrounds on topics such as Smart Factory, sustainable and digital production, Big Data, Machine and Deep Learning. "Today there is much more data available on production processes than just a few years ago. This can be used to improve future processes," explains Dr. Matthias Schmidt, Professor of Production Management and head of the programme. The curriculum also includes company visits and experimental practice in the Leuphana Learning Factory. The students take on different roles in the digitalised factory: they are fitters, buyers or suppliers. Production processes and Industry 4.0 are to be experienced from scratch.

The MBA Digital Production Management is aimed at specialists from engineering and industrial engineering, business administration and other areas of production. The MBA programme provides the necessary knowledge to strategically align and digitise production systems. "At the same time, the students' leadership and management qualities are strengthened. In this way, we want to train competent managers for the digital transformation of an industrial company," says programme coordinator Charlotte Jansen.