LL.M. Sustainability Law: Carmen Hellmold - Acceptance for the energy transition

2024-07-16 The lawyer works at the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection. She is currently completing her part-time studies at the Leuphana Professional School. She wants to use the knowledge she has acquired to campaign for municipal climate protection, among other things.

Carmen Hellmond ©leuphana Universität
"Only together can we make a contribution towards climate neutrality," says Carmen Hellmold.

"Acceptance of the energy transition is important. Some citizens have questions and concerns. I would like to mediate, explain and make things understandable where necessary," says Carmen Hellmold.  Her work at the Ministry of the Environment was just one reason for taking up the part-time course. The mother of two is an elected member of the climate council in her home town and would like to support the municipality in particular in implementing the energy transition: "There are still some challenges but also opportunities for the municipality. "Only together can we make a contribution towards climate neutrality," says Carmen Hellmold.

She is currently completing the part-time study program Sustainability Law - Energy, Resources, Environment LL.M. at the Leuphana Professional School and is writing her Master's thesis on the legal background to municipal heat planning: "I can only recommend this study program. It is very structured and the lecturers are excellent. I was particularly impressed by the dovetailing of energy and environmental law," says Carmen Hellmold. She heard about Leuphana from two of her colleagues. Both have already completed the Master's program at the Professional School. "Environmental law is very diverse and exciting, but the field is also dynamic. That's why it's important to be able to speak and to keep up to date," says Carmen Hellmold.

The part-time degree program in Sustainability Law - Energy, Resources, Environment at the Leuphana Professional School offers professionals with a background in law or related fields an interdisciplinary qualification opportunity. Students combine their legal expertise in the LL.M. program with the practice-relevant related disciplines of ecology, economics and technology.