Current Courses
Prof. Dr. Jens Newig
Sustainability Governance - transdisciplinary project
Ziel: In diesem Seminar sollen die im letzten Semester begonnenen Forschungsprojekte zur Nachhaltigkeits-Governance fertig gestellt werden.
In den vergangenen Semestern haben die Studierenden die theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen der Governance-Forschung erlernt und diese im Rahmen eines eigenen konkreten Forschungsprojekts angewendet. Im Sommersemester wurden bereits die Forschungsfragen und das Forschungsdesign erarbeitet, sowie empirische Daten gesammelt. Im nun folgenden Wintersemester sollen die Forschungsprojekte abgeschlossen werden. Dafür arbeiten die TeilnehmerInnen in Gruppen von max. 5 Personen zusammen.
Der Fokus liegt in diesem Semester auf der Verbesserung der Qualität der vorangegangenen Arbeiten. Einerseits haben die TeilnehmerInnen Zeit, um weitere oder noch fehlende Daten zu erheben und die Datenanalyse fortzusetzen. Andererseits soll anhand von Feedback zu den Berichten des letzten Semesters die Qualität der schriftlichen Arbeiten verbessert werden (z.B., Argumentationsstruktur, Klarheit, Sprache, richtige Zitierweise). Darüber hinaus werden die Studierenden ein Kurzdossier (Policy Brief) verfassen, welcher die gewonnenen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen für politische Entscheidungsträger und Praxispartner zusammenfasst.
Die Studierenden lernen:
• Theorie- und Methodenwissen im Rahmen eines eigenes Forschungsprojekts anzuwenden
• Die Arbeit in einem interdisziplinären Team zu organisieren
• Ein komplettes Forschungsprojekt zu planen und durchzuführen
• Fachwissen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeits-Governance zu vertiefen (u.a. ein konkretes Literatur- und Forschungsfeld innerhalb der Governance-Forschung zu erschließen und den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu erkennen)
• Empirische Daten selbständig zu erheben und zu analysieren
• Kompetenzen im Projekt- und Zeitmanagement zu entwickeln
• Den Umgang mit Feedback zur Verbesserung der Arbeiten
• Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis, insbesondere bezüglich des Umgangs mit Primärdaten und dem richtigen Zitieren von Quellen
• Forschungsergebnisse anhand eines Kurzdossiers für politische Entscheidungsträger und Praxispartner darzustellen
Quality Circle Master's Programmes Sustainability Science
Sustainability Governance Colloquium
Präsentation zum Arbeitsstand der Promotionsvorhaben im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe Governance und Nachhaltigkeit.
Ziel: Inhaltlicher Austausch innerhalb der Arbeitsgruppe und Rückmeldungen zum Promotionsvorhaben.
Dr. Michael Rose
Introduction to Environmental and Sustainability Governance
This lecture offers a comprehensive and advanced introduction to environmental and sustainability governance. It aims to provide a thorough understanding of key concepts and theoretical approaches in this field and their application to real-world cases. The lecture explores the functioning of governance systems in the development and implementation of public policies that address pressing environmental and sustainability issues at local, national, and international levels. The lecture focuses on both the structural and procedural aspects of governance.
The topics covered in this lecture may include: Governance of the commons; Public and stakeholder participation; Collaborative governance; Evidence-informed governance; Adaptive governance and governance learning; Multi-level and transboundary governance; Private actor and network governance; Risk governance; Policy coherence and policy-mixes; International regimes (e.g., climate, biodiversity); Governance of global value chains; Governing sustainability transitions; Policy and institutional change.
Ziel: Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various dimensions of environmental and sustainability governance and will develop critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to address the complex challenges associated with governing towards environmental sustainability.
Global Environmental and Sustainability Governance - Seminar A
This course provides an introduction to environmental and sustainability governance. It offers basic knowledge on the functioning of governance systems in providing and implementing public policies addressing current environmental and sustainability issues – on local, national and international levels, with a focus on global environmental and sustainability issues and governance. We will address both the structure and process features of governance. Topics covered may include the governance of commons; participatory and collaborative governance; private and hybrid governance; adaptive governance and learning; multi-level governance; international regimes (e.g. climate, biodiversity); telecoupling. Students will learn the general core governance theories and concepts and apply them to emblematic case studies in the realm of environment and sustainable development.
Ziel: This course aims to provide students with thorough basic knowledge and competencies on (a) what constitutes environmental and sustainability governance; (b) the core concepts and authors in the field; (c) the effectiveness and legitimacy as well as the risks of different forms of governance; and (d) the usefulness of different governance approaches in different empirical settings. Students learn how to critically apply conceptual governance approaches to empirical cases of sustainability problems. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their conceptual, analytical, presentation and team skills.
Global Environmental and Sustainability Governance - Seminar B
This course provides an introduction to environmental and sustainability governance. It offers basic knowledge on the functioning of governance systems in providing and implementing public policies addressing current environmental and sustainability issues – on local, national and international levels, with a focus on global environmental and sustainability issues and governance. We will address both the structure and process features of governance. Topics covered may include the governance of commons; participatory and collaborative governance; private and hybrid governance; adaptive governance and learning; multi-level governance; international regimes (e.g. climate, biodiversity); telecoupling. Students will learn the general core governance theories and concepts and apply them to emblematic case studies in the realm of environment and sustainable development.
Ziel: This course aims to provide students with thorough basic knowledge and competencies on (a) what constitutes environmental and sustainability governance; (b) the core concepts and authors in the field; (c) the effectiveness and legitimacy as well as the risks of different forms of governance; and (d) the usefulness of different governance approaches in different empirical settings. Students learn how to critically apply conceptual governance approaches to empirical cases of sustainability problems. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their conceptual, analytical, presentation and team skills.
Basics of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity - lecture
Overview of systemic and governance-related structure of sustainability problems.
Qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative methods for knowledge integration and identifying, framing and solving (sustainability) problems:
Actor and system analysis, future studies, assessment approaches, integrative approaches of problem transformation and solving, methods for designig and implementating collaborative processes (both transdisciplinary research approaches and approaches for supporting societal negotiation processes).
Ziel: The students acquire knowledge, skills and capabilities for purposefully engaging with sustainability problems in a project oriented way by: (i) understanding conceptual fundamentals of sustainability and respective problems, (ii) being able to apply a set of methods meaningfully to a given problem, (iii) being capable of identifying and discussing potentials and limitations of respective methods and the relevance of knowledge integration and achieving collaborative/participatory processes between science and society.
Basics of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity - Seminar 1 (for GESS)
In the Seminar we excercise and discuss the contents of the related lecture. We will have literature work, excercises, group discussions and presentations.
Overview of systemic and governance-related structure of sustainability problems.
Qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative methods for knowledge integration and identifying, framing and solving (sustainability) problems:
Actor and system analysis, future studies, assessment approaches, integrative approaches of problem transformation and solving, methods for designig and implementating collaborative processes (both transdisciplinary research approaches and approaches for supporting societal negotiation processes.
Ziel: The students acquire knowledge, skills and capabilities for purposefully engaging with sustainability problems in a project oriented way by: (i) understanding conceptual fundamentals of sustainability and respective problems, (ii) being able to apply a set of methods meaningfully to a given problem, (iii) being capable of identifying and discussing potentials and limitations of respective methods and the relevance of knowledge integration and achieving collaborative/participatory processes between science and society.
Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.