Julian Obertopp

In 2018 Julian Obertopp graduated from the University of Hildesheim with a bachelor's degree in cultural science and aesthetic practice. During his studies he developed a special interest in media culture, aesthetics and technology as well as their interfaces to phenomena of contemporary art, media art and design. Besides his studies he worked as an exhibition manager, treasurer and curator at KUNSTRAUM 53, where he organized several solo and group exhibitions. In 2017 he worked as curatorial assistant at Kunstverein Hildesheim e.V.

In autumn 2018, he began his master's programme "Cultural Studies - Culture, Arts & Media" at the Leuphana University Lüneburg with a focus on Digital Cultures and Practical Fields in the Arts. In In his Master's programme, he would like to further deepen the areas of interest developed in the Bachelor's programme. 

Responsibilities at MECS:

Editing, Social Media, research assistance