Dr. Rita Klapper


As a visitor to INFU, with Prof Upham I am working on papers relating to conceptions of entrepreneurialism that are informed by social theory and sustainability norms. I research entrepreneurship from interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship perspectives. As such my work draws on the literatures of sustainability, cognitive psychology, learning theories, social capital theory, leadership and coaching. I design training programmes in Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Coaching and have experience of programme design at all levels in several countries. I was most recently an External Adviser for an Erasmus Plus project to create an MSc in Sustainable Enterprise across five European countries and I have been acting as expert evaluator of business plans for the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (Raw Materials section). In November I was invited guest speaker on the future of entrepreneurship education at the EFMD conference in Oslo.  


  • Selected publications

Selected publications

Klapper, R. G. & H. Neergaard (2017) Teaching entrepreneurship as lived experience through ‘wonderment exercises’ in P.Jones, L. Pittaway & G. Maas Entrepreneurship Education: New perspectives on research, policy & practice, Emerald Series.


R.G. Klapper & V. Farber (2016) In Alain Gibb´s footsteps: the 20 Nuevos Soles entrepreneurship experiment, Int. Journal of Management Education, October 2016, 14, 1-18.

Refai, D. & R. G. Klapper (2016) The State of the Art of Enterprise Education within Pharmacy Education in the UK:  Experiential Learning in Institutionally Constrained Contexts, Int. Journal of Entrepreneurial Research and Behaviour, 22 (4).

Upham, P; Klapper, R. & S. Carney (2016) Participatory energy scenario development as dramatic scripting: A structural narrative analysis Technological Forecasting and Social Change, October, 103: 47–56. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2015.10.003

Jones, P. Wyness, L. & R.G. Klapper (2015) Sustainability: what the entrepreneurial educators think Education & Training, 57, 8/9, 834-852. 

Klapper, R. G., Refai,D.; Thompson, J. Feather, D. and A. Fayolle (2015) Introduction SI in Innovative Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Industry and Higher Education, 29, 5, 321-325. October.

Klapper, R. G. (2015) Repertory Grids in Entrepreneurship: Practical examples from Research in H. Neergaard & C. Leitch (2015) Qualitative Research Methodology, Part V. 

Klapper, R. G. (2015) Concluding thoughts on Repertory Grids in H. Neergaard & C. Leitch (2015) Qualitative Research Methodology, Part V, EE.

Klapper, R., Upham, P. and Allison, G. (2015) Who Owns the Future? Reflections on Patenting, Private Value Accrual and Societal Disbenefit in the Context of Biofuel Technology Transfer, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship 2 (2): 70 – 80, DOI: 10.2174/2213809902666150910230947

Refai, D., Klapper, R., Thompson, J. (2015). A Holistic Social Constructionist perspective to Enterprise Education (Special Issue). International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 21 (3), 316-337. ISSN 1355-2554.

Klapper, R. (2014) A role for George Kelly's repertory grids in entrepreneurship education? Evidence from the French and Polish context  (Special Issue) The International Journal of Management Education, available online November 2014,  http://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-international-journal-of-management-education/recent-articles/

Upham, P; Carney, S. & R. Klapper (2013) Scaffolding, narrative and software: engaging non-experts in energy and emissions backcasting, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Available online 24 May 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2013.05.001

Klapper, R. (2011) Social Constructionism and Constructivism in Entrepreneurship Research – a practical illustration of complementary perspectives, Management & Avenir,3(43): 354-371.