Institute of Environmental and Sustainability Communication
For more than 15 years, INFU has made internationally significant contributions to theory building and professionalization in the sphere of sustainability communication and education. Sustainability communication, education and learning represent key themes in our work and Leuphana holds a UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development.
With advances in digital technology and understanding in the sustainability sciences, INFU's work sets communication in wider contexts, as reflected in our Working Groups below. Prof. Paul Upham’s group focuses on the psychology and sociology of socio-technical transitions, examining the role of individuals and groups in technological change for sustainability. Daniel Fischer’s group SuCo² studies the role of consumption in satisfying human needs and investigates how people can be encouraged to take up more sustainable lifestyles, in particular through communication. The digital technology for sustainability group of Andreas Möller, Eckhard Bollow and Helmut Faasch spans life cycle assessment tools, new media, ambient computing and related innovations in relation to sustainability assessment and impact.
The aim of the Institute is to advance individual, institutional and collective competencies for shaping the future in the context of the profound challenges of global environmental change and sustainable development.
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
INFU - Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication
P.O.B. 2440, D-21314 Lüneburg
Fon +49-4131 - 677 2802
Fax +49-4131 - 677 2819