
The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has provided funding of around 550,000 euros with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a collaborative project on the transfer of sustainability into vocational education and training practice for the period 01.11.2020 - 31.10.2022. Within the framework of the project, Leuphana University Lüneburg and the University of Erfurt intended to qualify multipliers to transfer the results of their successful pilot projects to in-company training practice.

With a pilot project on the qualification of vocational training staff, Leuphana University Lüneburg had already successfully participated in the funding programme "Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development (BBNE)”. The University of Erfurt had also used this funding to develop concepts for professionalising training staff for sustainable vocational education. Both universities now want to link their respective results in a multiplier training programme for transfer into vocational education and training practice.

Initially, a series of workshops is planned to qualify training staff of initial and continuing vocational education and training as well as in-company training staff. The results of these workshops will be evaluated, adapted and eventually transferred into practice. In a first phase, the focus will be on the qualification of training staff in continuing vocational education and training. In the second phase, these participants will then independently organise workshops for in-company training staff from companies of various sectors.

The aim of the project is not only to create a guideline, but also to develop an IHK (chamber of industry and commerce) certificate course to ensure that the topic of sustainability finds its way into the certification system of the regional chambers of industry and commerce. This is to ensure that a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable orientation of business processes is supported and promoted by the training staff in companies.

With their approach, the project coordinators also intend to establish a link between commercial and industrial-technical perspectives on sustainability in vocational education and training. The aim is a holistic integration of sustainability issues into in-company training. To achieve a nationwide success, the universities are collaborating with various partners from vocational education and training. Numerous companies, other research institutions as well as organisations and associations are also involved in the project.

The transfer project TraNaxis is based at the Institute of Social Work and Social Pedagogy (IFSP) at Leuphana University Lüneburg and is managed by Prof. Dr Anke Karber (project leader) and Jan Pranger (research assistant).

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