Events and Tournaments
You like challenging sports activities? If you are looking for a challenge, you can represent Leuphana University at the German University Championship! Another opportunity are our events and tournaments in Lüneburg. The "Hochschulsportfest" and the "Campus-Fußballliga" in summer, the "Baggern statt Bolzen-Turnier" and the "Nikolausi-Turnier" in winter are great events where you can show your skills in a great atmosphere. Find a team and sign up. We are looking forward to have you.
The absolute highlight of the event summer is our university sports festival: in addition to the notorious classic games of "Spiel ohne Grenzen", Kubb, Roundnet and beach volleyball, a varied supporting programme awaits you: A highlight from the Techniker Krankenkasse, interactive stands from student initiatives and student councils, demonstrations and the final of the campus league will ensure that you won't be bored. Of course, your physical well-being will also be catered for, regardless of whether you are an active participant or want to meet up with fellow students or colleagues for an after-work drink.
Prizes will be awarded not only to the most successful teams, but also to the best costume ideas, which will transform the festival into a colourful sea of colour.
Don't miss out on this highlight, register or simply drop by. We look forward to a colourful day with you!
Celebrate the end of another semester with us and enjoy a varied evening at which the dance courses of the university sports department present the choreos they have learnt during the semester. From hip hop to couple dance to ballet, there's something for everyone! We are looking forward to an unforgettable evening with you, full of dance, music and fun. The evening will end with an after-show event at KLIPPO.
The final dance evening takes place twice a year: once in February and once in July.
Every year in May and June, the legendary Campus League takes place on the sports turf in front of the cafeteria - Leuphana's biggest football tournament!
This event is aimed at all Leuphana students and employees, as well as university sports instructors, who enjoy playing football as a hobby and have fun playing together. The players can look forward to exciting matches and the special opportunity to immortalise themselves in the Leuphana history books as campus champions. The final will be played as part of the university sports festival. The game is played every Wednesday in teams with creative names and matching outfits.
Our annual Nikolausi football tournament takes place in December. In a relaxed atmosphere and without excessive ambition, you can show off your dream goals and tricks in front of the other students and spectators.
Only students or employees of the University of Lüneburg and university sports instructors are allowed to play. Think of creative team names and matching outfits!
Our annual mixed volleyball tournament offers the best possible start to the new year with the motto: digging instead of hitting! The tournament traditionally takes place in January and registration is in teams of a maximum of 10 people.
Students and employees of Leuphana as well as university sports instructors are eligible to participate.