Aktuelles Lehrangebot

Current Courses

Jörn Fischer

Colloquium Social-ecological system research

Das Kolloquium wird inhaltlich verschiedene Methoden, Ansätze und Ergebnisse sozial-ökologischer Forschung behandeln und unterschiedliche Formate anbieten: Studierende präsentieren ihre Forschungsvorhaben und/ oder Ergebnisse, die dann mit den Betreuuenden und anderen Forschern diskutiert werden können

Ziel: Ziel der Veranstaltung ist ein Austausch zwischen den Forschenden und Promovierenden, aber auch eine Präsentation des Promotionsvorhabens und eine Reflexion über die Fortschritte der Promotion

Writing a journal article (Dr. phil / Dr. rer. pol. / Dr. rer. nat)

Positioning yourself for an academic career requires publishing in international, peer-reviewed journals. This block course is intended to help you develop the skills to prepare an article for an international journal. There will be a mixture of activities, including a minimum of ‘lecturing’, but mostly a range of interactive exercises. Some of the themes covered will include (i) structuring a paper, (ii) structuring a paragraph, (iii) writing concise sentences, (iv) matching word count and content, (v) writing an informative abstract, (vi) writing a cover letter to a journal, and (vii) dealing with revisions and rejections. The course will draw on examples from the natural sciences and social sciences, with an emphasis on sustainability-related topics. However, similar writing principles apply to other disciplines, and students from all faculties are encouraged to apply.

All communication related to the course will be in English.

Sustainability Science

Sustainable use of Earth’s resources in a time of global change is one of the central challenges for humanity in the 21st century. This seminar will be a mixture of lectures and discussion sessions to introduce key issues related to sustainability science for Masters students in this topic. Beginning with an overview of the existing theoretical foundations of sustainability science and research, the seminar deals with the historical development, current challenges and future potential of this research field. Key aspects include an examination of social-ecological systems, sustainable development, and global change. The interaction of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in sustainability science and the fundamentals of a problem- and solution-oriented research field are also discussed.

Ziel: This course is specifically designed for (primarily first year) Masters students in Sustainability Science, and will cover a wide range of topics, thereby providing a general entry to the growing arena of sustainability science. By the end of the course, students will have a clear conceptual understanding of the background and purpose of sustainability science, including the analysis of social-ecological systems, and its context in global society.

Sustainability Science - Discussion session 1

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.

Current Courses

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.

Current Courses

Sarah Gottwald

Sustainable urban transformation of a cross-border city - a social-ecological systems approach

This course is planned for 2 semesters, where the following 4 steps will be realized: (1) Definition of research objective and design (first semester), (2) Co-creation of knowledge (first semester), (2) (re-)integration of knowledge to provide input for action-plans (second semester), and (3) knowledge communication and dissemination of results (second semester).

Currently there are two apparently opposing trends regarding national borders: growing nationalism demanding for more border protection or even border closure, and simultaneously very high cross-border mobility. While sometimes treated as rather abstract concepts or pass-through/transition areas within the European Union, cross-border regions are home to almost 40% of Europe’s population. This means, living close to the border or even cross-border is part of their everyday life, and tangible as well as intangible values are attributed to various places along and across the border. A specific case is the double city of Slubice and Frankfurt(Oder) at the Polish-German border. Every day, thousands of people cross the border at the innercity bridge over the Odra river. Here, abstract border and cross-border debates become very concrete and localized. The city governments aim for a sustainable cross-border city center that integrates the border bridge as the central points in an urban area of a ca. 1km radius, which is the focus of current planning activities.

Our course connects directly to these activities. The students will work together with different local stakeholder groups and practice partners on sustainable urban transformation visions and strategies. Our practice partners are 1) policy and planning authorities, specifically the cooperation center of Słubice and Frankfurt-O, and the Municipal development Advisory Council of Frankfurt-O, 2) the citizen-led city of SLUBFURT (https://nowa-amerika.eu/slubfurt-3/), and more-than human actors present in this cross-border social-ecological system.

Key parts of the first semester:

Part 1 Definition of research objective and design

The aim of the first part is to jointly frame the problem with local key partners, to form groups according to the students’ individual interests, to develop a basic understanding of project management, and to gain insights on key topics such as sustainable urban transformation and more-than human actors/multispecies justice.

Part 2 Co-creation of knowledge

The aim of the second part is to co-develop visions with each stakeholder group (Slubfurt, more-than human actors, citizens (survey), policy/planning). Furthermore, a first synthesis will be carried out in August to compile preliminary results and share them with stakeholders.

Ziel: • To apply transdisciplinary knowledge and methods in a concrete case of urban transformation. This application will allow students to deepen in their understanding of transdisciplinarity while directly acting in a real-world scenario.

• To understand the social-ecological dynamics in border regions, including the different challenges of bringing together multiple stakeholders.

• To co-create visions for sustainable urban development through a social-ecological systems perspective using participatory approaches.

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.

Current Courses

Dr. Manuel Pacheco Romero

Basics of Inter- and Transdisciplinarity - lecture

Qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative methods for knowledge integration and identifying, framing and solving (sustainability) problems:

Stakeholder analysis, future scenarios and backcasting, assessment approaches, integrative approaches of problem transformation and solving, methods for designig and implementating collaborative processes (both transdisciplinary research approaches and approaches for supporting societal negotiation processes).

Ziel: The students acquire knowledge, skills and capabilities for purposefully engaging with sustainability problems in a project oriented way by: (i) understanding conceptual fundamentals of sustainability and respective problems, (ii) being able to apply a set of methods meaningfully to a given problem, (iii) being capable of identifying and discussing potentials and limitations of respective methods and the relevance of knowledge integration and achieving collaborative/participatory processes between science and society.

Further information about courses you will find the academic portal myStudy.