Project structure

Part 1: Live-Podcast Series „Trust Issues?“

The project kicks off with a low-threshold and interactive live format, which also serves to record a podcast. The aim is to bring scientists, relevant professionals and those interested into a conversation about trust in different areas of society. An input and dialogue from our podcast guests from academia and practice will be followed by an exchange with the live audience.

Our live podcast took place during Fall Term 22/23.

You can find the episodes using the following link. They are also available on all major music streaming devices.

Below is an overview of the topics and guests: 

Episode 1

Understanding and Explaining Trust

Scientific impulses:
Prof. Dr. Guido Möllering (Witten/Herdecke University)
Prof. Dr. Christina Schües (Lübeck University, Leuphana University Lüneburg)
Prof. Dr. Birte Siem (Leuphana UniversityLüneburg)

Episode 2

Trust in Democracy and the Welfare State

Scientific impulse:
Dr. Sandra Fischer (University of Bonn, University Duisburg-Essen)

Representing the field of practice:
Elisabeth Niejahr (Managing Director of the "Strengthening Democracy" department at the non-profit Hertie Foundation)

Episode 3

Trust in Social Work

Scientific impulse:
Dr. Sandra Tiefel (Otto von Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)

Representing the field of practice:
Dr. Martin Fischer (Managing Director of LAG FW Lower Saxony)

Episode 4

Trust in the Federal German Education System

Scientific impulse:
Prof. Dr. Inka Bormann (Freie Universität Berlin)

Representing the field of practice:
Mani Taghi-Khani (Headmaster Cooperative Comprehensive School Schneverdingen)

Episode 5

Trust in the European Financial and Economic System

Scientific impulse:
Prof. Dr. Dominik Enste (German Economic Institute Köln)

Representing the field of practice:
Carsten Blasche (Branch Manager, Deutsche Bank AG)

Episode 6

Trust and Consumption

Scientific impulse:
Prof. Dr. Maria Neumaier (University of Applied Science, Cologne)

Representing the field of practice:
Carla Bank (Team Lead Sustainable Design & Upcycling, Bracenet)
Frank Büch (Head of marketing at Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe)

Episode 7

Trust in Social Media

Scientific impulses:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Blöbaum (University of Münster)
Dr. Florian Wintterlin (University of Münster)

Representing the field of practice:
Leonie Schöler (Journalist, Historien, Moderator)

Episode 8

Trust in Press and Science

Scientific impulses:
Dr. Ilka Jakobs (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Bromme (University of Münster)

Representing the field of practice:
Dr. Jakob Simmank (Health Editor at ZEIT ONLINE)

Download Poster (German)

Part 2: Impulse Sessions

Based on the podcast series, three one-day impulse sessions will be held with experts to develop impulse papers for further in-depth workshops in the areas of "Politics, State and Civil Society," "Economy and Consumption," and "Media and Science”. While the focus of the podcast series was on understanding the phenomena of trust, the impulse sessions will draw on empirical findings to work out how trust can be promoted in the respective areas.

Part 3: Workshops with Decision-Makers

Based on the impulse papers developed in part 2, topic-specific workshop concepts are didactically elaborated in part 3. Along with the impulse papers, the materials developed will be used to conduct one-day workshops. Specifically, three workshops will be conducted in the areas of "Politics, State and Civil Society," "Economy and Consumption," and "Media and Science." In these workshops, together with field-relevant decision-makers from Lower Saxony, trust-building processes will be reflected upon in greater depth and in an action-oriented perspective.

Part 4: Public Panel Discussion

In our final event we will publicly present the main results of parts 1-3 and discuss them based on the impulse papers. For this purpose, a panel discussion will be held with experts from all three thematic areas "Politics, State and Civil Society", "Economy and Consumption" and "Media and Science". The panel discussion will be followed by a public discussion focusing on ways to promote trust in the everyday lives of people in Lower Saxony. 

The date of the public panel discussion will be announced on this website soon. 


The project is located at the Faculty of Education in the Institute for Social Work and Social Pedagogy and is headed by Prof. Dr. Sandermann.

Project Lead

  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandermann

Research Associate

  • Vanessa Schwenker, M.Sc.

Student Assistant

Melisa Nur Fidan


The project is financed by the Ministry of Science and Culture with funding from the “Niedersächsisches Vorab” (1 June 2022 to 31 August 2023).