Our work focuses on landscapes -- mosaics of land cover that are inhabited by different organisms, and that are used by local communities in various different ways. We approach the study of landscapes from a social-ecological systems perspective, and we are interested in how landscapes can be managed sustainably. How, for example, can biodiversity be conserved or restored? How can landscapes be governed and managed so that they benefit local communities? What are the relationships between ecosystems and people, and how do they influence one another in both positive and negative ways?
Much of our work is place-based and solution-oriented. This means that we work in certain focal landscapes, where we try to understand social-ecological complexities from many different perspectives. Taking a social-ecological systems perspective means that, by definition, our work crosses disciplinary boundaries, drawing on both the ecological and social sciences. In addition, for parts of our work we directly work with stakeholders, and so parts of our research are transdisciplinary. In general, the type of work that we do is best done in a small team environment. In small teams, people get to know each other and trust each other, and once trust is established, disciplinary boundaries can easily be crossed in day-to-day collaboration.
"In small research teams, by contrast, people regularly see each other and get to know one another. The personal trust thus built is tremendously useful in facilitating communication among people as colleagues and maybe even friends: disciplinary boundaries become largely irrelevant in such a context." (Fischer, Sherren & Hanspach 2014)
For some landscape perspectives on sustainability, check out these papers as background readings:
Wu, J. (2013). Landscape sustainability science: ecosystem services and human well-being in changing landscapes. Landscape Ecology 28(6): 999-1023.
Wu, J. (2021). Landscape sustainability science (II): core questions and key approaches. Landscape Ecology 36: 2453-2485.
Norström, A.V. et al. (2022). The programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS) – a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus, Ecosystems and People 18(1): 598-608.
Fischer, J., Sherren, K., & Hanspach, J. (2014). Place, case and process: Applying ecology to sustainable development. Basic and Applied Ecology 15(3): 187-193.