Transparency in project funding
Systematic collection and publication in FOX
At Leuphana, we use an integrated research information system for the systematic collection of research outputs. This system has been in place since 2011 and dispenses project data collected from 2009 onwards and publications from 2000. The FOX Research Index puts these contents at the disposal of interested public as a separate online archive supplementing the University’s webpages. FOX is available in German and English.
FOX Research Index
Find out more about FOX, Leuphana’s Research Index and the University’s research outputs.
Third party founded projects
Starting in March 2016, a list of current projects receiving funds from third parties, as well as their research topic (cut-off date 1st Dec of the previous year), will be added to the FOX project archive. It comprises information on
- the organisational unit(s) involved
- the sponsor / funding body
- the project’s title
- the duration, as well as
- the sponsored amount.
If a confidentiality agreement has been concluded, information will only be provided in outline form. The projects listed will generally be linked to their contents in the FOX databank, where the project outputs, such as publications, are continuously entered.
- <link file:67580 _blank download herunterladen der datei>Third-party-funded research projects as of cut-off date 01-12-2015
Developments in Lower Saxony
By this form of publication, Leuphana is consistent with the Lower Saxony Higher-Education Development Agreement concluded in November 2013, as well as the Guidelines for Transparency in Research of the State Higher Education Convention and the Ministry of Science and Culture of February 2015.
- Higher-Education Development Agreement (view pdf-version in German)
- Guidelines for Transparency in Research (view pdf-version in German)
From FOX, it will ultimately be possible to access project-related sponsor data bases, such as GEPRIS (project database of the German Research Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), the funding catalogue of the Federal State (common project database of various federal ministries, including the Federal Ministry of Education and Research), CORDIS (project database for EU-financed research projects) or the sponsorship catalogue of the Volkswagen Foundation.
Dipl.-Oec. Anke Zerm
Universitätsallee 1, C10.204
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1692