The EU's funding program for research and innovation

On June 15, 2021, the official starting signal was given for the new EU research framework programme Horizon Europe, which, as the successor to Horizon 2020, will cover the entire chain from basic research to innovation to the market with a volume of almost 100 billion euros in the period 2021 to 2027. Horizon Europe aims to make Europe greener and more digital, as well as more innovative, resilient and participatory.

The programme includes:

The Research Service provides advice and support on questions related to application and project implementation.


Second strategic plan for Horizon Europe published:

The European Commission presented the second strategic plan for the last three years of the Horizon Europe programme (2025-2027). It sets out the following three key strategic orientations:

  • Green transition
  • Digital transition
  • A more resilient, competitive, inclusive, and democratic Europe

These key strategic orientations are the guiding principles for Horizon Europe’s upcoming work programmes and proposal calls until 2027. Further information can be found here.

Amendment to the 2023-2024 work programme:

An updated version of the current main work programme for Horizon Europe was also published by the EU Commission in April 2024: It contains adapted information for the 2024 calls for proposals and already includes some new information for 2025. The document’s name has been changed accordingly to "Work Programme 2023-2025". New features include updated work programme sections on the EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus. The current version also includes updated submission deadlines for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) in Pillar 1 for 2024 and 2025. For more information click here.

Canada and Republic of Korea join Horizon Europe:

After the association agreement on New Zealand's accession to Horizon Europe was signed in summer 2023, the association of the second country that is not in geographical proximity to Europe has become effective in July 2024: Researchers and organisations from Canada can now participate under Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe on equal terms with institutions from EU member states. At the end of March 2024, the European Commission furthermore announced that the association agreement with the Republic of Korea will be signed in the second half of this year.

  •  Further information on the association of Canada can be found here.
  •  The press release on South Korea's association can be found here.
  •  Current information on the association status of other third countries can be found on the EU Commission's website.

Hungary: Eligibility of some universities and institutions for Horizon Europe restricted:

As of December 15, 2022, due to Hungary's violations of the fundamental principle of the rule of law, it is no longer possible to conclude Horizon Europe grant agreements with institutions covered by the Academia Act adopted in 2019 or administered through the foundation model established above it. This includes 21 higher education institutions that are now ineligible for Horizon Europe grants. For more information, click here.

Leuphana University is a member of the EU research support network EU-ReasoN of universities in Lower Saxony.
EU-ReasoN Logo ©Netzwerk EU-ReasoN

General Information

♦ The following pages provide detailed information on individual and collaborative research in the EU funding programme Horizon Europe:

  • European Commission (here)
  • Online guide to the Funding and Tender Portal, from proposal preparation and submission to reporting on your ongoing project (here)
  • "Funding and Tender Portal" for calls for proposals (here)
  • European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) (here)
  • Portal of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (here) (German only)
  • National Contact Points (NKS) (here) (German only)

♦ National and regional measures for proposal support can be found on the following sites:

  • Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) (here)
  • BMBF (here) (German only)

Events – Webinars

On the websites of the EU Office (BMBF) (German only) and the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KOWI) you will find a comprehensive calendar of events with information and training opportunities.

Selected events

♦ ERC webinar on the Advanced Grant Call 2024:

  • The ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA) is hosting a webinar on 19 August 2024 from 11 am to 1 pm to clarify any final questions regarding the Advanced Grant Call 2024 application process before the deadline on 29 August. The dial-in link and further helpful information can be found on the announcement page.

♦ Online event on MSCA COFUND:

  • On 20 August 2024, the National Contact Point MSC is offering an online event from 10 am to 11 am to clarify any final questions regarding the COFUND application. Questions can be sent in advance to nks-msc@dlr.de by 15 August. Registration for the free event is already open.

♦ Webinar on ERC Work Programme 2025:

  • In the live webinar on 12 September 2024 from 15 to 16:30 pm speakers from the ERC Executive Agency will present the plans for the ERC research grants 2025. They will discuss the new funding opportunities, the budget allocations, the calendar, and the conditions and answer questions from viewers. The YouTube link will soon be provided here.

♦ KoWi online seminar on project management in Horizon Europe:

  • On 7 and 10 October 2024, the EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) will host the online seminar “Auf geht’s zum neuen Horizont! – Grundlagen des Projektmanagements in Horizon Europe” (“Let’s go to the new Horizon! – Basics of project management in Horizon Europe”), from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm each day. The event will cover the most important contractual documents such as the grant agreement and the consortium agreement and explain cost calculation and reimbursement. Registration for the two-part event is now open.

♦ Information event on lump sum funding in Horizon Europe:

  • The European Commission is offering an online event on 17 October 2024 from 10 am to 12 noon entitled “Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?” The event is aimed at applicants and project partners of calls that are funded via lump sums. Participation is free of charge and registration is not required. Further information, the agenda and the livestream can be found here.

Important Documents

  • Introduction: Horizon Europe at a glance (English presentation) (here)
  • Document library: Horizon Europe Info Days (here)
  • Rules of Participation in Horizon Europe (KOWI) (here)
  • Programme Guide (European Commission) (here)

Videos / Tutorials

  • "Smart4Policy": EU tool for self-reflection on own strengths in the field of science-for-policy (to the questionnaire)
  • European Commission: Horizon Europe Mission-Videos (here)
  • European Commission: Webinar – How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (Part 1, Part 2)
  • European Commission: Webinar – How to evaluate Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe proposals (here)
  • Intro-Video: Looking to finance a project or do business with the EU? (here)
  • ERC Executive Agency: Video-Serie – ERC Classes (here)
  • ERC Executive Agency: Video-Serie – ERC Research Funding Playlist (here)
  • European REA: Common mistakes to avoid when applying for Horizon Europe funding (here)

Social Media

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Research Service

  • Dipl.-Oec. Anke Zerm
  • Dr. Susanne Hinck