Research Service

Profile & Services

The Research Service team assists members and affiliates of the university community conduct research at a qualitatively and quantitatively high level. In addition to individual support and advising, one of the team's core tasks is to provide continuing development of internal support measures. The Research Service reports to the Vice-President for Research, Prof. Dr. Erich Hörl.

Head of Unit: Anke Zerm
Contact Research Service Team

Third-party Funding Consulting

The Research Service provides assistance with the conceptual design of custom-fit applications, advising on funding opportunities and support with the development of third-party funding requests for public and non-profit sources of funding.
Its officers act as intermediaries between the finance unit, personnel services, the legal affairs office and other administrative units that are included in the application process. They ensure that applications are formally submitted correctly and that the rules and interests of the university are safeguarded.

Get in touch with us for:

  • Information on funding programs and requests for proposals
  • Advice on project design and research applications
  • Project assistance and support
  • Events on research funding

Contact (National Research Programs)

  • Dr. Stefan Friedrich
  • Kerstin Vollmer

► Comprehensive information on the topic of funding searches can be found here on the intranet.
► As a member of Leuphana, you have access to the ELFI search service (Electronic Research Funding Information System)

Contact (Internationale Research Programs)

  • Dr. Susanne Hinck

► Comprehensive information on the European funding format Horizon Europe can be found here

Die Leuphana ist Mitglied des EU-Beratungsnetzwerks EU-ReasoN der Hochschulen in Niedersachsen.
©Netzwerk EU-ReasoN

Research Information System PURE (CRIS)

Research Reporting

The research service maintains Leuphana's research information system, and supports faculties, institutes and staff units in preparing reports for performance-related funding or for evaluations.

Get in touch with us for:

  • Research-related Reporting
  • Support with evaluation and selection procedures, rankings and ratings
  • All manner of research information and statistics
  • Use of the CRIS
  • Research data for websites or external specialist databases


  • Dipl. jur. Binh Long Duong (LL.M)

Internal Support & Funding

The Research Servise has a support fund for the development of research activities at the university. All of the support is based on scholarly performance and the international standards of the various communities of specialists.

The internal support measures include:

  • Individual advise & consultation
  • Research awards
  • Research semesters
  • Small research projects (seed funding)
  • Conference funding
  • Team building

Application documents for internal funding opportunities can be found here on the intranet

    Contact for general questions regarding the Research Fund

    • Dipl.-Oec. Anke Zerm

    Research Communications

    All things research communications. Also check here for Tips & Tools (Intranet)


    • Dr. Wiebke Vorrath
    • Dr. Marie-Luise Braun

    Educational Offers

    Leuphana's training programs in the area of research can be found on the following pages.


    • Dipl.-Oec. Anke Zerm
    • Dr. Annemarie Burandt