Tuition fee

The semester fee at Leuphana, and at many other German universities, is very low. There is no tuition fee, as is the case in other countries. The semester fee, which is paid every six months, is currently at €393.09 (subject to change). The following costs are covered by this fee:

  • Administrative costs of your studies: e.g. for enrolment and re-registration.
  • Contribution to the Studierendenwerk: this contribution supports the regional Studierendenwerk, which, among other things, manages the dining hall and student halls of residence.
  • Student body contribution: this contribution includes, among other things, the semester ticket and a culture ticket, which you can use during your studies.

However, if you exceed the standard period of studying by more than 6 semesters, you will incur long-term study fees that exceed the normal semester fees.

Attention! This regulation does not necessarily apply to part-time degree programmes and double degrees. Therefore, be sure to inform yourself on the corresponding programme pages.

The semester fee in Germany includes a semester ticket for all students. ©Leuphana
The semester fee in Germany includes a semester ticket for all students.

FAQs Tuition Fees

Is studying in Germany free of charge?

At many universities in Germany, studying is largely free of charge. High tuition fees as known from other countries are rather uncommon, but not impossible. In most cases, students at German universities pay only a small semester fee. This is also the case for the regular bachelor's and master's programmes at Leuphana University. The semester fee is currently around €393.09 per semester (subject to change). An exception to the free study programmes, however, are the part-time programmes and double degree programmes.

Is studying in Germany free of charge for international students?

Most German colleges and universities charge the same semester fees for both German and international students. This means that in many cases international students do not have to pay high education costs, but only a small amount in semester fees. At Leuphana University, this currently amounts to approx. €393 per semester for regular study programmes (subject to change). Nevertheless, you should always check the data specific to your study programme in order to identify possible exceptions at an early stage. After all, not all study programmes in Germany are necessarily free or low-cost.

What is the semester ticket?

The semester ticket is a ticket for public transport that is available to students at German universities. The validity of the ticket is limited to a certain region surrounding your university and to local public transport. Travel throughout Germany and on express trains is therefore not included. Nevertheless, the Semesterticket is an ideal solution for everyday journeys to university, work, friends or the sports club. It also offers the opportunity to explore the city and countryside in the region.