Student Housing in Lüneburg

At Leuphana University, as at most German universities, an acceptance for a study place does not automatically mean guaranteed student housing in Lüneburg. Instead, you have to look for your own accommodation as soon as possible after you have been accepted. The student halls of residence on campus and in the city centre offer options for this, as do shared flats and flats from private providers. Living in double rooms or shared rooms is unusual in Germany. Instead, students often live together in shared flats, where each student has their own room, but common areas such as the kitchen and bathroom are shared. You can ask the Leuphana Accommodation Service for help in finding student housing in Lüneburg, but you should also try to find a solution on your own.

As a part-time student, your periods of presence in Germany are usually short. However, the information provided here refers to a longer-term stay in Germany. Instead of permanent accommodation in Lüneburg, part-time students usually use local hotels and hostels.

Kitchen in a shared flat ©Leuphana
Studentenwohnheim der Leuphana. ©Leuphana
Studentin am Handy in ihrem Zimmer. ©Martin Klindtworth

Accommodation service at Leuphana

Leuphana University offers international students support in finding a room or flat by maintaining and arranging contacts to providers of furnished rooms and flats. If you would like to take advantage of this assistance for living in Lüneburg, please contact the Accommodation Service shortly after receiving your acceptance letter. If you have found accommodation on your own, please cancel your request.

Common room of a shared flat in Lüneburg. ©Leuphana
Common room of a shared flat in Lüneburg.

Student housing in Lüneburg: 6 tips for your search

  1. Start your search early, as the Lüneburg housing market is competitive
  2. Watch out for scams! Do not respond to ads that seem dubious to you and do not transfer money to foreign (outside Germany) accounts.
  3. Be quick: at making first contact, at when you have questions and at when you decide whether to take the flat.
  4. In Germany, unfurnished flats and rooms are often rented out. Consider this option if you will be on site for longer than a year, as it is often a cheap alternative. In any case, read the advertisements carefully to find out whether it is a furnished or unfurnished accommodation.
  5. For temporary solutions, consider holiday homes or contractor accommodation.
  6. Check your tenancy agreement carefully before signing it.


Accommodation Service

Tanja Schaefer
Accommodation Service
International Center / C14.112