Language courses at Leuphana

The Language and Culture Team at Leuphana University offers students the opportunity to learn and improve various foreign languages by participating in language courses. In addition to German as a foreign language (DaF), Chinese, English, French, Italian, Swedish, and Spanish courses are also regularly offered at various levels. Other language courses and their levels vary from semester to semester. As an optional extra, language courses can also be good preparation for an upcoming semester abroad.

Current offer

The Self-Study Centre

The Self-Study Centre supports you with individual language learning projects. Here you have access to materials with which you can improve your language skills independently and the opportunity to test your language skills with placement tests. The Self-Learning Centre also offers events such as language cafés, where language enthusiasts can exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.

To the Self-Study Centre

The Tandem Programme

You don't want to learn a language on your own or use the skills you have learned in one of the language courses? Then there is the option of taking part in a tandem programme. Two students who complement each other linguistically form a tandem. For example, if person A wants to improve German and is fluent in English, A will be paired with a person B who speaks German as a mother tongue and wants to improve English proficiency.

To The Tandem Programme
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The Tandem Programme at the Language Centre of Leuphana University.

The Writing Centre

In the Writing Centre, you can learn about writing in English and German and learn and apply various techniques, processes and strategies in this context. Your linguistic and socio-cultural background will be taken into account in the consultations and workshops in order to provide you with the best possible support.

To the writing centre