
Miriam Hufnagl, (M.A.)

Strategic policy making in research and innovation politics (Arbeitstitel)


Although the terms „strategy“ or „strategic“ are used quite often in research and innovation (R&I) politics, neither a common scientific definition nor a framework for the analysis of strategic policy making in regards to R&I policies seem to exist. This dissertation project aims at contributing to fill this research gap by providing an applicable analytical framework for strategic policy making in R&I politics.

Taking the Systems of Innovation approach as a (theoretical) starting point, a definition of strategic policy making will be formulated that incorporates research insights on the governance of R&I politics as well as work on political strategy with a focus on individual and collective actors.

Subsequently a structured policy analysis of R&I politics in a multilevel perspective (regional, national, supranational) should help to identify the strategic potential of current initiatives like the German High-Tech Strategy (II) or efforts at European level to build a European Research Area. Additionally semi-structured interviews with policy makers and scholars of the field can possibly shed light on the potential, the construction and implementation of orchestrated strategic policies (considering the involved policy arenas, established rationals and applied policy instruments) .


  • Schulze, N./ Hufnagl, M. (2011): Bringing the region back in? German Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) between regional engagement and isolated business, Paper presented at the 6th ECPR General Conference, University of Iceland:
  • Hufnagl, M. (2010): Dimensionen von Policy-Instrumenten - eine Systematik am Beispiel Innovationspolitik. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.
  • Kulicke, M./Becker, C./Berteit, H./Hufnagl, M./Grebe, T./Kirbach, M./Brandt, T./Lübbers, T. (2010): Evaluierung des Programmstarts und der Durchführung des "Zentralen Innovationsprogramms Mittelstand (ZIM)". Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.
  • Bührer, S./Hufnagl, M. (2010): Successful women innovators - how did they get where they are? In: Spitzley, A./Ohlhausen, P./Spath, D. (Hrsg.): The Innovation Potential of Diversity. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 117-145.