Information about the IKKK and its changed structure

Dear Sir or Madam,

the Institute for Cultural Theory, Research and the Arts (IKKK) has been terminated. One of the succeeding institutes is:

Institute of History and Literature Cultures (IGL)

Institute of Philosophy and Art History (IPK)

Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization (ISCO)

<link institute isko.html internal-link>Institute for Sociology and Cultural Organization (ISKO)

  • Cultural Sociology, <link guenter-burkart.html internal-link>Prof. Dr. Günter Burkart
  • Cultural Sociology, <link dominik-schrage.html internal-link>Prof. Dr. Dominik Schrage (Verwaltungsprofessor)
  • Art Sociology, <link ulf-wuggenig.html internal-link zu php>PD Dr. phil. Ulf Wuggenig
  • Sociology of the Arts, Prof. Dr. Volker Kirchberg
  • Communication and Public Relations, <link sigrid-bekmeier-feuerhahn.html internal-link>Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn (associated)