Goal and self-conception

With the foundation of the network, we want to counteract the phenomenon of the glass ceiling in Popular Music Studies in the German-speaking world. Although the student numbers of universities with corresponding courses of study show a balanced gender ratio or even a higher proportion of female students, a look at positions, professional societies, conferences and also publications shows a different picture. Our goal is to make women* in this research area visible(er) and to offer them networking and consulting opportunities.

In this way, we want to enable all network participants* to overcome challenges and barriers in the field of science and to actively contribute to the dismantling of structural inequalities in the science system. In this way, the network also contributes to the overarching goal of increasing the proportion of women in science and creating equal opportunities.

The network aims to encourage the participants* to deal more consciously with social relationships and structures in the science sector, to exchange ideas about them and to develop strategies for action. Our aim is not only to intensify existing contacts, but also to create a low-threshold offer that can provide a basis for further networking and orientation in the field and expand one's own competencies. We are thus pursuing measures that are aimed both at the individual promotion of skills and competencies and at contributing to long-term structural change from within through networking, raising awareness, and changing institutions and scientific culture.

Who is the network for?

The network addresses women* who deal with aspects of popular music (cultures) from different disciplinary perspectives. Our offers and events address in particular women* who are in the early career phase of their scientific career, which includes the transition from studies to doctorate to early postdoc.

While the network explicitly addresses people who identify as women*, we do not want to consider gender as an isolated category, but pursue an intersectional perspective. Thus, care responsibilities, migration experiences, and family educational background, among others, are included as important factors. The network aims to bring together researchers from different social and cultural backgrounds and follows a participatory approach. This approach aims at jointly designing and implementing offers that are as close as possible to the life and everyday practice of the network participants*. We want to create an atmosphere in which we support each other and in which everyone can contribute to the extent possible.

You want to become part of the network? Just send us an e-mail. We will be happy to add you to our mailing list and inform you regularly about offers from the network.


Together with our members, we would like to create a demand-oriented program that enables participation and networking for all. With our range of events we would like to counteract the lack of female role models, information offers, safe spaces for networking and mutual empowerment. To this end, we organize workshops and coaching sessions with female experts on various topics such as acquiring third-party funding and grants, publishing and teaching, or career planning, profile building, family and science, mental health/resilience and work-life balance. In addition, we plan events within the framework of conferences of Popular Music Studies and want to come together at regular meetings for informal exchange.


Spring School

24.03. - 26.03.2022

Follow-up report on the Spring School 2022:

In March 2022, 20 participants of the network had the chance to come together for the first time in presence at our Spring School at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. The meeting, networking and exchange in the group took place over three days in the form of workshops, inputs and group discussions on the topics of career planning, financing and mental health. Guests were Prof.' Dr.' Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer (University of Oldenburg), Prof.' Dr.' Barbara Hornberger (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences) and Prof.' Dr.' Alenka Barber-Kersovan (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), as well as the Teaching Service and the International Office of Leuphana. Thanks to our speakers, it was possible to discuss the topics in depth and to clarify many questions concerning the academic world.
Although many hurdles and challenges were named, the intensive exchange enabled a productive discussion in many respects and showed that we are not alone in these points. We were able to see how enriching the exchange is to our work practice and how much we can learn and take away from each other. Last but not least, Anne Löhr's workshop on mental health provided us with many important tools that help us to keep a clear head even in difficult phases and to successfully follow the path in our scientific careers.
The days came to a nice end with dinner & drinks. We are looking forward to the upcoming events with you!



The network is supported by the Mariann Steegmann Foundation, the Society for Popular Music Research (GfPM), IASPM D-A-CH and the "Equality" fund of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg


For questions about the network, please contact: earlycareerwomen@leuphana.de

Responsible for the project:

Prof. Dr. Monika Schoop
Dr. Melanie Ptatscheck