8th Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development: 25.07.2022 - 29.07.2022

Focus Topic: Sustainable Chemistry Within A Hydrogen Economy - Opportunities, Prerequisites and Pitfalls


Clean hydrogen economy seems to be a promising option to phase out the use of fossil energies and to reduce the climate change as hydrogen can be generated from water using renewable energy sources such as wind, hydro, and solar power.

Hydrogen is already used as an energetic fuel but numerous technical challenges prevent the creation of a large-scale hydrogen economy such as the difficulty of developing long-term storage, pipelines and engine equipment, safety concerns regarding the high reactivity of hydrogen fuel with oxygen in ambient air; the expense of producing it by electrolysis and a lack of efficient photochemical water splitting technology, to name just a few.

The hydrogen economy is considered to be a part of the future low-carbon-economy and is an important approach for the transition to climate neutrality e.g. according to the European Green Deal. To which extent is this really the case?

In the 2022 Summer School we will address this question by elaborating the opportunities, prerequisites and pitfalls of the hydrogen economy in industries like transport, building and power generation with regard to the use of chemicals and resources demands, social and economical aspects, which need to be taken into consideration to comply with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as 7,12 and 13.


With the friendly support of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)

Please also check out our new studies programme in Sustainable Chemistry!



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Due to Covid the Summer School will again take place virtually via ZOOM.



Sorry, we are already fully booked this year! Please join us next year!


The Summer School aims at postgraduates and young professionals who deal with or are professionally interested in the topic of sustainable chemistry as a crosscutting issue.



The Summer School 2022 will be free of charge!