Studying chemistry at Lüneburg?

„Those who know nothing but chemistry don’t know that very well either.“

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Scientist of the 18th century.


Are you expecting more from Chemistry than just the organic, physical or inorganic part of it? Do you want to see the bigger picture and gain further knowledge in Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry which represents an integral part of the bachelor studies at the faculty of Sustainability?

Many questions essentially deal with substances and material resources.

This is why the program is integrated in faculty of Sustainability.So, if you want to intensify your knowledge in this field, this is your choice!



All final degrees enable you to continue working in the respective field thanks to a comprehensive knowledge in chemistry as well as further knowledge beyond chemistry. This may be on a disciplinary scale, i. e. within chemistry, or even on an inter- and trans-disciplinary scale at the interfaces of multiple disciplines (e. g. research, implementation of sustainability in companies and in administration, evaluation of chemical substances and mechanisms for dealing with them, development of new concepts, policy advice). The spectrum of possible employers includes industrial companies, research institutions, authorities as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

  • Bachelor (BSc.) Environmental Sciences
  • Master of Sustainability Science (MSc.)
  • Master of Sustainable Chemistry (Professional School)
  • Doctoral Degree

Bachelor (BSc.) Environmental Sciences

At the beginning the Bachelor of Science degree course (BSc.) in Environmental Sciences provides the most essential basics for Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry in:

  • General chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Sustainable Chemistry

On top of this we offer:

  • Practical courses (not being focused on classical synthesis!)
  • Experiments related to Sustainable Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

In the following semesters you may then focus either on:

  • resources (water, soil and raw materials)
  • environmental media (soil, water and atmosphere) or
  • behaviour of chemical substances in the environment (transport, degradation and transformation) and their effect on human beings and the environment.

Further seminars are being offered regarding:

  • modeling of the substances’ behavior
  • assessment of effects of chemical substances in the environment by means of computer based models.

In fact, these are also used for the evaluation of existing substances within the frame of the EU chemical legislation. Furthermore, such models are used for selectively designing new substances.

Special offer: Direct cooperation in research teams for a certain time as to gain first-hand experience of the world of research during your studies (no credit points being granted for this, however, a separate confirmation of this voluntary activity is available!)

You decide how profoundly you want to increase your knowledge in chemistry. Alternatively, you may also focus on related issues (e.g. environmental legislation, chemical legislation or ecology) or issues from other fields (e.g. environmental communication, economics, governance, environmental planning). You cannot get a Bachelor degree in Chemistry at the Leuphana University though as there is no independent course of studies in this field; instead you will be awarded with a BSc. in Environmental Science.

These combinations offer a unique university course for all those being interested in chemistry. For all those who haven’t had the opportunity or the interest to take a closer look at chemistry yet, we offer tutorials and preparatory courses to get started.

Master of Sustainability Science (MSc.)

Are you expecting more from Chemistry than just the organic or inorganic synthesis? Do you want to see the bigger picture and gain further knowledge in Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry which represents an integral part of the master studies at the faculty of Sustainability?

The Master of Sustainability Science degree course (MSc.)offers you the opportunity to further intensify your knowledge in Environmental chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry. If you already dispose of a bachelor degree in Chemistry and if you are interested in issues in the broader sphere of chemistry, environmental, and sustainable chemistry, these master studies are the best choice as actual issues regarding environmental chemistry and sustainable chemistry are being offered in various event forms.

For instance, you may

  • intensify your knowledge in analytical environmental chemistry
  • gain a detailed understanding about the fate of contaminants in the environment
  • take part in a broader trendsetting presentation and discussion of concepts of sustainable chemistry

As within the bachelor degree, here you also have the opportunity to intensify your knowledge regarding environmental and sustainable chemistry within a certain frame, just as you like.

Special offer: Direct cooperation in the research team for a certain time as to gain first-hand experience of the world of research during your studies (no credit points being granted for this, however, a separate confirmation of this voluntary activity is available!)

For all those who haven’t had the opportunity or the interest to take a closer look at chemistry yet but still want to deal with chemical matters during their master studies, we offer tutorials and preparatory courses to get started.

Master of Sustainable Chemistry (Professional School)

Detailed information here


Doctoral Degree

Additional possibilities for in-depth studies after having finished the master studies are to promote with a PHD-thesis in either of the following topics:

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Sustainable Chemistry
  • Material resources

The acquired doctorate title will be “Dr. rer. nat.”. For more information on PhD studies at the Leuphana, please click here