You wish to apply either for an internship, a first professional placement career entry or for a student job. In a job application situation questions repeatedly arise concerning one’s own skills and professional goals. Once you have gained clarity about what you want to learn, for example, during an internship, you will find suitable offers and employers.

Valuable tips for your application process are given below. We are happy to advise you in a personal conversation. The team of the Careers Service is looking forward to your visit.

  • (Re)search options for finding a job
  • The written application
  • The job interview

(Re)search options for finding a job

When searching for the perfect job, it makes sense to match your skills to the vacancy. To obtain a selection of offerings consistent to your wishes, a comprehensive research is needed. Various ways and sources are at your disposal for this. For example, for your own research, you can use

  • print media and specialist magazines,
  • online job portals,
  • Leuphana’s Job Exchange "Current Jobs & Internships"
  • specialised job boards,
  • company job boards and
  • the websites of companies or professional associations.

You can also use your social network, job fairs or recruiting events and communicate your job search. The following yearly events, organised by the Careers Service, provide an opportunity to study corporate contacts:

The written application

The written application documents form the basis for an employer’s decision to invite you to a job interview. A written application usually comprises the following components:

The creation of your written application documents is a time-consuming process. Therefore, you should allow plenty of time for planning. Even the timing of your application should be carefully chosen. Some companies take their time before making a decision. Therefore, you should send your application to the company on time and enquire in advance which positions are vacant, and when. Also, an unsolicited application may be useful if no positions are advertised. The following pages provide information on the important aspects in creating your application file.

The job interview

Receiving an invitation to a job interview means you have reached the first goal. In the second step, you must now make a good impression in a face-to-face conversation. Here, you can find out more about which parts play a central role in the preparation and during the job interview.


Birte Godau
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M25
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2299