Highlights of the fair

The career fair - FOR YOUR CAREER - offers a lot more than personal consultations, which you can take advantage of at the booths. In addition to interesting company presentations, there is also the opportunity to get professional application photos done or to have your application documents checked.

Fair FOR YOUR CAREER ©Leuphana/Anastasia Adasheva
Fair FOR YOUR CAREER ©Leuphana/Anastasia Adasheva
Fair FOR YOUR CAREER ©Leuphana/Anastasia Adasheva

Job fair app

Innovative trade fair app ‘Talentefinder’ - make contacts and network!

Use our matching and trade fair app ‘Talentefinder’ to network easily and precisely with numerous companies. In our app you will find all the profiles of the participating exhibitors, a digital job wall, all information about the stand plan and the trade fair programme.

How does it work? Register - create profile - swipe - match - and arrange on-site appointments for the Leuphana Career Fair on 12 June 2024!

  • From 13 May 2024, talentefinder will also be open to students. Register on the ‘Talentefinder’ platform under the following link: Link to registration
  • Take 5 minutes and create a profile - simple, fast, mobile-optimised.
  • Done? Then get started and make valuable contacts with companies.

Battle for Talents

The principle: 5 employers in 5 rounds of 5 questions and 1 winner - you decide! To answer the questions, the company representatives each have 1 minute to present themselves as an attractive employer to the student audience. The special thrill: The questions are not announced in advance. The audience chooses the winner.

The format is moderated by the student initiative Contact & Cooperation Lüneburg e.V. in the foyer of the central building.

Special Reports - Working for Future

You can look forward to the following short presentations by exhibitors on 12 June 2024 on the stage in the foyer of the central building. Registration is not required!

11.00 amStageLecture: Netzwerk Grüne Arbeitswelt - Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Niedersachsen
Jobs mit Sinn - Berufliche Perspektiven in der grünen ArbeitsweltThe project ‘Netzwerk Grüne Arbeitswelt’, Regionalstelle Nord, Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Niedersachsen gets to the bottom of the question: ‘How can we inform young people and adults in career orientation about jobs in green fields of work and convince them to choose a career for the climate?
Speaker: Katharina Brüntgens, project officer
11.30 amStage

Implement Consulting Group
Introducing Implement Consulting Group.
During our presentation, we will introduce Implement and share what sets us apart. We will also delve into our areas of expertise and the core values that define how we work.
Speaker: Leo Jaschik, Management Consultant

12.00 amStageBattle for Talents
1.30 pmStageLünecom Kommunikationslösungen GmbH
Experience business at the speed of light and enter trendy professions Have you ever wondered how to bring speed to the internet? The answer is: with fibre optics. But how do entire regions manage to use high-speed networks with a completely new infrastructure within a short space of time? How do streaming, telephony and surfing get to people's homes and which applications from AI to the new mobility of tomorrow can already be experienced today in the trendy companies in your own region? With Lünecom Kommunikationslösungen GmbH from - clearly Lüneburg - this is possible
Speaker: Leonie Ballach, Management Corporate Communications
2.00 pmStageDZ HYP
DZ HYP - a modern bank at your sideThe lecture offers insights into the exciting field of risk controlling at DZ HYP. In addition to a presentation of DZ HYP as Germany's largest Pfandbrief bank with main locations in Hamburg and Münster, the tasks in market price risk controlling will be discussed using practical examples. Speaker: Dr Normen Schenk, Lars Holtz

Check application documents

Have your application documents checked by the university team of the Lüneburg-Uelzen Employment Agency at stand 68 on the day of the fair.

Please note that you can have your documents checked in advance as part of the Career Service's regular application document checks. Appointments can be arranged at careerservice@leuphana.de. On the day of the fair, the Career Service will be on site at stand 25.

Personal coaching for a strong appearance

You don't know exactly where you want to go professionally? Or do you know where you want to go, but not yet how to get there? A clear external attitude is particularly important in the application process and in your professional career. Your appearance is determined by your own values and attitude, and therefore your inner attitude. At stand 27 you will find our expert Rixa Albrecht, who can help you to strengthen your appearance.

  • As a business psychologist, personnel developer and etiquette expert, Rixa Albrecht will support you in harmonising your own values with your professional development. The goal is a clear inner attitude in order to find a strong outer attitude. Take advantage of an individual speed coaching session (approx. 20 minutes) to strengthen your appearance in the application process.

Social Media Check

Digital career networks such as LinkedIn or XING offer a very good opportunity to find out about employers and their job offers before your university's career fair or to network with potential employers afterwards. With your own digital profile, you can build up your personal network and search specifically for suitable jobs. However, this should always be up-to-date and meaningful enough to be visible and make a positive impression. You can get personal feedback on your XING or LinkedIn profile at stand 26 from 11 am to 3 pm.

Britta Bollermann, an expert in strategic career counselling and targeted networking, will be happy to advise you on your digital profile and give you tips for a successful appearance in a digital career network.

Application Fotos

A good first impression is essential for a successful application. So don't miss out on the free, high-quality application photo service at FOR YOUR CAREER and come directly to stand 62.

This year, the photos will be taken by ‘Studio für frische Fotografie’. It stands for high-quality photography that is realised with perfect craftsmanship and creativity. Behind it are Jan-Rasmus Lippels (master photographer) and Janine Martin (trained photographer) with a wealth of professional experience from fifteen years of self-employment.