Career Opportunities

The job market for academics is constantly changing, new fields of activity arise and skill requirements change. It makes sense to come face to face with the professional world to help your current career orientation while still studying. The following questions may be helpful:

  • What career fields I am interested in?
  • What is the required profile for the position I intend to work in?
  • What are potential employers for my skills?
  • What start-up options are available and possible?

current Jobs & Internships

At Leuphana’s employment exchange, you will find a wide range of companies offering positions suitable for beginners in a profession, internships, student jobs or subjects for theses. Click here for the employment exchange.

 Stellenbörse ©Alfred Brandl
Job exchange


Birte Godau
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M25
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-2299