Job Shadowing for Internationals

In Job Shadowing, a student accompanies a person during a regular day at work. The special character of Job Shadowing - in contrast to an internship - is that the "shadow" does not work directly, but gets an insight into the daily routine of the desired job only by watching. In this way, an impression of typical tasks and of the employer can be gained directly on site.

A possible daily schedule

The Job Shadowing day is designed individually by the host employees. This can take place as follows, for example:

  • Getting to know each other and introduction
  • Guided tour of the company
  • Participation in typical work activities
  • Lunch together
  • Discussion of current work tasks and challenges
  • Final discussion and feedback

Participating Employers

The following overview lists all participating companies and organisations in the vicinity and further surroundings.

Information and registration for students

Interesting insights, professional orientation, networking – take the next step now!

Participation is possible for Leuphana students from September 2024 and free of charge. Please note that travelling and meal expenses may incur on the day of the Shadowing.

To register, please send us the registration form, the signed conditions of participation and your CV to the contact person mentioned below.

- Conditions of participation
- Guideline Job Shadowing
- Registration form



Career Service
Universitätsallee 1, C40.M25
Fon 04131.677-1779