Cultural Studies

At Leuphana College, the interdisciplinary bachelor's degree in cultural studies enables you to acquire not only specialist knowledge but also interdisciplinary skills.

After completing your studies, you will be able to independently develop and convincingly present solution strategies in a national and international working environment.

Already during your studies, you can get to know relevant fields of cultural studies employment through qualified internships as well as your own research and practical projects and find out which field of activity you can be enthusiastic about.

The following overview shows possible fields of work for graduates of cultural studies. Additional qualifications may be required.

Career Fields

  • Journalism
  • Press and Public Relations
  • Marketing, Advertising
  • Cultural Organization and Management
  • Artistic Direction
  • Tourism & City Marketing
  • Building Culture/ Spatial Planning
  • Human Resources & Consulting


  • Journalist: Writing written or oral contributions for radio, television, print and online media, as well as moderation of broadcasts
  • Foreign Correspondent: Reports on current political, economic, cultural and social events as well as background reports and features
  • Music Editor: Reports on developments and trends in all music genres as well as concert performances
  • Speechwriter: Writing speech manuscripts for clients
  • Online - Editor: Writing and editing contributions for internet and online services
  • Community - Management: Design, marketing and strategic planning of social media portals
  • E- Learning - Author: Writing texts for learning media according to didactic and media pedagogical aspects
  • Photojournalist: Creating photos, infographics, press drawings, caricatures, comics etc.
  • Photo Editor: Procuring photos, infographics, press drawings, caricatures, comics, etc. for print media (newspapers, magazines, journals), film, television and digital media
  • Video Journalist: Conception, shooting and editing of film contributions
  • Bookseller: Responsible for the areas of purchasing, inventory management, ordering, advertising and sales, accounting, business organization and controlling in the book trade
  • Literary Agent: Establishes contacts between authors and publishers, mediates in the purchase and sale of book rights and negotiates literature contracts
  • Publisher (media, music): Planning, realizing and marketing media and music products
  • Editor: Writing or producing contributions for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or digital media

Press and Public Relations

  • Public Relations Manager: Developing suitable communication strategies and new concepts for the corporate image of your own company or (in advertising and PR agencies) for clients
  • PR Specialists: Plan, develop and implement measures that serve to enhance the image of companies, public authorities, associations and other institutions
  • Press Spokesperson: Responsible for communication of the company / association / authority with the press and other media with the aim of a positive overall public image
  • Campaigner: Develop strategies and projects and carry out actions for associations / (non-profit) organizations / parties, representing them externally
  • Lobbyist: Public relations work for organizations / associations with the aim of influencing political and social developments

Marketing, Advertising

  • Employee/Head of Marketing: Development, implementation and evaluation of strategies, concepts and measures for planning, managing and controlling demand
  • Media Planner: Design and implement advertising campaigns. Active in advertising, media and PR agencies, management consultancies and PR agencies and in advertising departments of various companies
  • Copywriter: Creating catchy and target group-oriented slogans and texts for printed advertising campaigns, brochures, radio and TV spots or for websites
  • Market Researcher: Carry out market and competition analyses
  • Media Manager: Planning, organizing and realizing media projects, for example for film, radio, television and interactive multimedia applications
  • Art-Buyer: Organizing and coordinating advertising productions, arranging contacts between advertising agencies and artistic contractors

Cultural Organization and Management

  • Event Manager: Conception, planning and implementation of all kinds of events, whereby marketing tasks may be relevant in addition to organizational and commercial activities
  • Cultural Manager: Planning, development and control of cultural projects and cultural and leisure facilities with the aim of creating space and understanding for art and culture and for cultural exchange in our society
  • Fundraiser: Planning and implementing measures to raise funds for social and cultural institutions such as aid organizations, foundations and cultural institutions

Artistic Direction

  • Intendant: Leading artistic (but often also economic and administrative) processes in theatres, opera houses, broadcasting companies, orchestras or festivals
  • Dramaturge: Editing theatre literature and scripts, developing (theatre) play plans or programs and advising the director on productions or filming
  • Curator: Looks after collections in museums and organizes exhibitions and special events
  • Director: Artistic and creative planning of film, video and television productions and theatre productions as well as their calculation and realization
  • Art Director: Developing advertising strategies for various media as well as their organization and implementation, e.g. in advertising agencies, broadcasting companies and publishing houses

Tourism & City Marketing

  • Tourist Guide: Leading travel groups and providing comprehensive, expert information
  • Tour Guide: Accompany and look after travel groups, as well as taking over organizational tasks
  • Guest Relations Manager: Organizing guest care, including special care of particularly important guests such as VIP and regular guests, in hotels and on cruise ships
  • Tourism Manager: Perform organizational, marketing and management tasks, especially in companies in the tourism industry
  • Business Development Agencies: Create and implement concepts for location marketing and organize cooperation between different interest groups

Building Culture/ Spatial Planning

  • Spatial Planner: Draws up plans for the spatial development of the natural, built and social environment in a given area
  • Urban and Regional Planner: Developing drafts for environmentally sound, social and economic local, urban and regional development

Human Resources & Consulting

  • Diversity Manager: Developing strategies to promote diversity and equal opportunities for employees and job candidates in companies
  • Personnel Officer: Selection and recruitment of personnel as well as personnel support and personnel development
  • Relocation Specialist: Supervise specialists and executives, as well as private individuals, when they change their place of work or residence and deal with all formalities connected with the move
  • Management Consultant: As an external service provider, analyze the processes and structures in companies, e.g. to increase profitability or to secure and expand the economic success of the company
  • Personnel Consultant: Providing services for companies in the search and selection of suitable specialists and executives

master degree

After completing your bachelor's degree, you have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge with the consecutive degree programme of Leuphana Graduate School. There you will find five superordinate programmes: Education, Governance and Law, Cultural Studies, Management, Psychology and Sustainability.