Management & Engineering

The Major Management & Engineering is particularly aimed at students who see their professional career as a manager in an industrial company where the interrelationship between technology and management is relevant.

The preferred positions are in the areas of product development, production, logistics, supply chain management or technical sales. This major also offers a very good basis for a career in procurement, marketing or technical controlling.

Career Fields

  • Business Organization, Planning and Consulting
  • Materials, Merchandise Management, Logistics
  • Manufacturing / Production
  • Maintenance, Customer Service and Technical Sales
  • Process and Product Development
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Management
  • Research and Teaching

Business Organization, Planning and Consulting

  • Production Engineer: Monitors and optimizes the technical equipment, ensures its functionality and aims to increase e.g. manufacturing quality, productivity and profitability
  • Operations Planner: Supports and advises companies on organizational, business management or technical issues, develops optimization concepts and participates in their implementation
  • Systems Engineering Engineers: Plan, develop and design complex technical systems. In doing so, they analyze the entire life cycle of a technical product, both from an engineering and an economic point of view
  • IT Security Coordinators: Design IT security solutions in accordance with the applicable technical standards, laws and regulations, supervise their implementation and continually adapt them to current conditions
  • Project Engineer: Plans, organizes and monitors the execution of technical projects and, if necessary, takes over project management during the implementation phase
  • REFA Engineer: Ensures the economic efficiency of industrial work processes through appropriate organization and control. Usually he/she designs and supervises larger rationalization and restructuring projects in companies
  • (Technical) Management Consultant: As an external service provider, he/she analyzes the processes and structures in companies, e.g. in order to increase the profitability or to secure and expand the economic success of the company
  • Industrial Engineer: Plans, checks and improves operational processes with regard to technical efficiency and the greatest possible profitability in the various functional areas of companies

Materials, Merchandise Management, Logistics

  • Business Economist (logistics): Plans and controls flows of goods and information to supply companies with raw materials and supplies, information, services, energy and personnel
  • Logistician: Coordinates flows of goods and information with the aim of saving time and costs.
  • Supply Chain Manager: Is located at the interface between logistics and IT and is responsible for the successful interaction of all participants in the supply chain

Manufacturing / Production

  • Work planning Engineer: Plans, calculates and optimizes production processes in companies
  • Work Foreman: Plans, optimizes and controls production and work processes
  • Production Engineer: Plans, manages, optimizes and monitors production processes

Maintenance, Customer Service and Technical Sales

  • IT Manager: Is responsible for the entire information technology infrastructure of a company. He/she coordinates the workflows within the IT department and ensures smooth interaction between the IT department and the other divisions of the company
  • Service Engineer: Maintains and repairs electrical and electronic components and systems of machines and plants
  • Sales Engineer: Sells and markets technical products and services

Process and Product Development

  • Clothing Engineer: Participates in the design of models, prepares production documents, supervises and controls the production
  • Research and development engineer: Works on (sub)projects to develop new products or technical processes or to further develop them
  • Product Developer: Designs technologically oriented products for the consumer and capital goods industry
  • Packaging Engineer: Plans, designs and optimizes solution concepts for the various requirements of packaging; also works in the areas of packaging purchasing and sales, market research and logistics

Quality Assurance and Quality Management

  • Production Engineer: Plans, manages, optimizes and monitors production processes. He/she is also active in quality management, work preparation and employee training
  • Quality Engineer: Defines and monitors quality standards in the manufacture of products, assesses risk potential and coordinates the implementation of quality improvement measures
  • Quality Manager: Continuously analyzes and optimizes work and production processes in companies

Research and Teaching

Teaching activities at universities involve the organization and implementation of courses and the supervision of students.

  • Lecturer at Universities and academies: Designs and conducts courses, and collaborates on scientific research projects
  • Research Assistant: Provides scientific services in research and teaching, which are also conducive to the acquisition of further scientific qualifications (e.g. doctorate)