Job Shadowing International

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Job Shadowing International

After graduation, it is important to find your own path among many career options. Leuphana Career Service supports students with an international background in establishing contacts with regional employers. If you would like to work in Germany after graduation and do not yet know which job or employer suits you, our program "Job Shadowing International" offers good opportunities to gain insights into concrete fields of activity on site and to build up a professional network.

This format offers you low-threshold access to the labour market, since language barriers recede into the background as you observe work routines. You will not only "experience" an occupational field first-hand. You will also gain many atmospheric insights, e.g. how people communicate with each other, how processes are organised, or what kind of clothing is appropriate. The Career Service is available to provide feedback and to advise you throughout the entire process.

    A possible daily schedule

    The job shadowing day is designed individually by the host employees. It can proceed as follows, for example:

    • Getting to know each other and introduction
    • Guided tour of the company
    • Participation in typical work activities
    • Lunch together
    • Discussion of current work tasks and challenges
    • Final discussion and feedback


    Participation in the shadowing program is free of charge for students. Please note that travel and meal expenses may incur on the day of shadowing.


    Career Service
    Universitätsallee 1, C40.M25
    Fon 04131.677-1779