LLS Summer Challenge 2016

04. Okt.

Do you like an English business language challenge and the opportunity to win one of three Lüneburg vouchers? And the icing of the cake: The best paper will be awarded Lord Denning's book "The Discipline of Law", 1979 - signed by all professors of the LLS. 

Lord Denning, the famous English judge, emphasised that even a native English speaker had a challenge task ahead if he was "to aquire command of language", (Denning, ibid. at p. 7). And right he is. And for non-native speakers this is particularly challenging. The good news is that there is a solution, the bad news is that it is not an easy one: sleeves up an knuckle down to it. 

The challenge: The gentle art of broking information

It is not all that long ago that Eike graduated from Leuphana University Lüneburg willing to learn how the international insurance business works in practice. Eike chose the famous reinsurer Calluna Re in Bergenlünne as the place to start his career. A good choice, as he now knows. Eike has completed a challenging traineeship in both the theory and practice of the business. And now he has to fly to London for the first time on his own to meet brokers and discuss business and legal issues with them.

In the London office of Calluna Re Eike's day is packed from beginning to end. His first meeting of the day is scheduled with John. After a polite exchange about the weather, the traffic in the city and some quips about how bumbling Boris has risen to a top post, Eike explains the most recent organisational changes in his company and the conservative underwriting guidelines in respect of liability risks. Eike especially mentions emerging risks and the challenging legal questions that go along with them. Now Eike has nailed his company's colours to the mast. He looks carefully at John in order to gage the effect. John smiles affably and comments: "Noted! We appreciate your position."

The question

What exactly is John saying? And why is he expressing it like this?

Your answer

All LLS students (Major and Minor) are invited to participate. Papers (two pages maximum) have to be handed in until October 4, 2016, 12 o'clock (Sekretariat, Frau Lackner). The best paper will be awarded as mentioned above.