• Leuphana
  • Zentren
  • ISDL
  • What are the consequences of COVID-19 for Small and Medium-Sized enterprises (SMEs)?

What are the consequences of COVID-19 for Small and Medium-Sized enterprises (SMEs)?


A group of five students of Environmental and Sustainability Studies at Leuphana University in Lüneburg took part in the seminar "Research and learning for and with civil society in times of crisis", led by Prof. Dr. Daniel Lang and Prof. Dr. Henrik von Wehrden in Summer Semester 2020. As a result of their research over the course of the semester, the students created a podcast, that will introduce you to their research questions and research process, the outcomes and their individual reflections as well as the newly founded SME "Trust your food", which is presented by one of their founders.

Follow this link listen to the podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-710104839/podcast-on-resilience-of-smes-during-covid-19
Access the shownotes for the podcast  here


About the TRANSFORM Rapid Appraisal Research Project
The rapid research will identify and characterize different small and medium enterprises' sustainable practices and business models' contributions to community resilience. This mapping focuses on diverse scales of influence, beginning with the individual SMEs, clusters of enterprises and networks or programs aimed at supporting SMEs or implemented through sustainable enterprises.
The rapid assessment aims to generate evidence to create a series of research outputs and knowledge mobilization tools aimed at decision-makers and local actors to provide evidence for creating an ecosystem to support SMEs during and post-disaster recovery. We want to draw on examples of sustainable businesses to develop tools to help steer rapid responses and post-disaster recovery towards sustainability-oriented pathways and solutions for building back better in a moment of potential transformative change.

The TRANSFORM Rapid Research Team
Jose DiBella (Waterloo)
Nigel Forrest (Arizona State University)
Jennifer Rao-Williams (Leuphana University)
Kyra Chisholm (Waterloo)
Scott Morton (Waterloo)
Verena Hermelingmeier (DRIFT Neatherlands)

For more information on the TRANSFORM project see www.transformcities.ca/