Presentation Salon (FLINTA*)

Disclaimer: This workshop is specifically dedicated to FLINTA* people. We want to create a safe space to talk about specific experiences and challenges. We also offer a presentation workshop that is open to all genders.

Workshop: Friday, 06.12.2024, 14.15–16.15, C5.012, with K. Steenken

Your next presentation (in an academic context/in a seminar) is coming up and you're not quite sure whether the structure is coherent, the main idea is clear to everyone and your presentation style (/your PowerPoint presentation/the visualizations you've chosen) is (are) understandable to the audience? Following our presentation workshop, we would now like to open the presentation salon: a space where you can receive feedback on your prepared presentation from peers and tutors from the Writing Center and exchange ideas with others about possible challenges and strategies. 

In the presentation salon, each of you will have the opportunity to bring your own presentation, present it for a maximum of 20 minutes and then talk about it. We are less focused on content-related feedback than on the structure of the presentation, (possible) visualizations and the use of media as well as the use of the body through voice, facial expressions and gestures. 

We recommend that you attend our presentation workshop in advance to get some basics for preparing your next presentation. However, participation in the workshop is not mandatory. 

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