Writing Consultations

There are differences between academic writing and writing in school or journalistic writing. One difference is the kind of integration into subject-specific contexts, another difference is the scientific language use. Every genre has its own standards: Writing a paper is very different than writing an essay or a report for an internship. Writing a 5-page text will require different strategies than a thesis of 30 or 60 pages. 

We are here to support you in every phase of your writing project, no matter whether you are at the stage of finding your topic or structure or if you have already produced (some) text. We have provided some material and tips for you to get to know yourself better in your role as a writer and to expand your writing skills: Resources.

Drop-in Session

Do you happen to have any questions about academic writing? You can now ask these questions during our drop-in sessions on campus or via Zoom—no appointment necessary. Our peer writing tutors are very much looking forward to working with you on a wide range of issues, for example finding a topic for a paper, developing a research question, integrating outside sources, and so on. We also offer support in case you are experiencing difficulties and provide feedback on your work in progress. 

  • Mondays, 13:00–14:00, C5.111 und online
  • Thursdays, 10:00–11:00, C5.111 und online

Zoom Data can be found on myStudy: Angebote ohne CPs > Schreibzentrum / Writing Center > Drop-in Sessions


Individual Writing Consultation

Do you wish to have a detailed conversation about your writing project? Or are you doing your doctorate?

Then please register in our booking system for an individual writing consultation.

Weitere Beratungsangebote

Schreibberatung bieten wir auch im Rahmen unserer Schreibnächten oder des Schreibmarathons.

For the registration it is necessary to login via the Leuphana VPN access and your Leuphana account. Then you can schedule an appointment with one of our writing tutors.

Because we think that it's difficult to decide on the writing tutor just by name, we've provided profiles with some information here: About Us.

In order to enable the joint discussion of a text or a text part, we ask you to login to the AcademicCloud beforehand. ➚ You can easily do this with the help of your Leuphana account here.

If you cannot make an appointment in our booking system, please write an e-mail at schreibzentrum@leuphana.de.


Any questions? Please have a look at our Q&A about the work of the Schreibzentrum / Writing Center!

Dank der Schreibberatung hat sich meine gesamte Arbeit extrem verbessert! Von der Rhetorik über den logischen Strukturaufbau bis hin zur Grammatik…meine Beraterin war sehr aufmerksam und hat meinen Arbeitsprozess wirklich gründlich, durchdacht und professionell betreut. Einfach nur Danke! :)
Helena K.

Die Terminvergabe war sehr entspannt und der Termin selbst konnte trotz Corona ohne größere Umstände stattfinden. Obwohl mein Problem sehr allgemein gefasst war, Schwierigkeiten mit der Struktur und den Formalien einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, konnte das Schreibzentrum mir effektive Hilfe bieten.
Jannis Brinker