Digitalization and Sustainability – new workshop series to be launched soon

2019-11-28 Digital change comes with manifold consequences of which many are closely linked to the sustainability agenda. How these links can be better understood will be the focus of a series of workshops.

Digitalization and Sustainability – new workshop series to be launched soon
In its latest flagship report ‘Our Common Digital Future’ the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) stated that only if digital change and the Transformation towards Sustainability are constructively interlinked can we make progress with climate-change mitigation, Earth-system protection and human development, and with successfully protecting human dignity. But how can such interlinkages look like? Where are already similarities and what are the fundamental differences between these two spheres?

Together with partners from the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and funded by the Robert-Bosch Stiftung we will start early in 2020 to bring together high-level European experts both from sustainability science and digitalization to discuss these questions and to elaborate the linkages between the two spheres. In 8 workshops this will be discussed and results will be brought forward to a final symposium. Other stakeholders and interested practitioners are invited to also participate in this process and results will be made available for a broader audience through various formats. More info on this project will follow soon!