
Professor Dr Roger Burritt is Visiting Professor, Centre for Sustainability Management, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg where he has research interests in environmental and sustainability management and accounting. He publishes widely in accounting, management and environmental journals, and presents regularly at international conferences.

Professor Dr Burritt also holds visiting positions Management in the International Food Industry, University of Kassel, Germany; is a Research Associate at the United Arab Emirates University Corporate Governance Centre; and Visiting Research Professor of Excellence, Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Zaragoza, Spain.

Professor Burritt was a founder member of EMAN Asia Pacific (EMAN–AP), director of the Centre for Accounting, Governance and Sustainability (to 2014) and the Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability which published a quarterly Journal (1995-2012). He has acted as an invited member of the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development Environmental Management Accounting international experts group. Professor Burritt maintains strong relationships with the accountancy profession and with industry. His current research involves empirical work in the wine industry, a focus on water and environmental management accounting, and conceptual developments of environmental management accounting and sustainability accounting.