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Politics4Future- a new curriculum for teacher trainees on fostering learning for sustainable development


14.07.2022 From 19th to 22nd June, partners of Politics4Future met physically in Lüneburg to discuss the curriculum of newly launched Politics4Future project which aims to foster learning on SDG4.7. The meeting was held to deliberate on the vision of a curriculum which brings Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship Education together with political learning for sustainable development.

The Politics4Future project with support from Deutsche Bundesstifting Umwelt- The German Federal Environmental Foundation aims to build capacities of young teacher trainees from the partner universities of UNiESD&ST network on SDG 4.7 with the key orientating framework of ESD, GCED and political education. The new project will run over duration of two years aims to mobilize capacities of teacher trainees or pre-service teachers on sustainability through blended intercultural learning. The course is designed for youth teacher trainees and engages youth as the advisors in the course design, implementation and evaluation. The Junges Forum of German UNESCO Commission is playing an active role through its advice on key topics, methods and evaluation of roll out of the curriculum. This project is niche intervention as it brings learnings from the fields of ESD, GCED together with the focus on political education for youth teacher trainees in a blended learning environment. The pre-service teachers affiliated to the partner universities will learn about the teacher education in other countries and the challenges while engaging an intercultural dialogue and learning on online learning platform.

The four-day meeting brought together all key stakeholders to identify the core themes and the implementation strategy of the curriculum which will be rolled out in summer semester of 2023. Key topics of curriculum based on key expertise of partners were identified.

During the time in Lüneburg, the partners also interacted with Lüneburg2030+ project team and learnt about the local initiatives under the Future city interventions. 

As UNESCO and SARChI Chairholders, each of the project members brings unique and detailed expertise on education and specifically teacher education to the project. Following are the members of the project:

  1. Leuphana University of Lüneburg with the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development in Germany
  2. York University in Canada with its UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability
  3. The Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development and the University for Peace in Costa Rica represented by UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development
  4. Heidelberg University of Education and the UNESCO Chair on Observation and Education of World Heritage and Biosphere Reserve
  5. UNESCO Chair in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education for Sustainable Development, University of Crete in Greece
  6. DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Global Change and Social Learning Systems, Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University
  7. Junges Forum of German UNESCO Commission

Deepika Joon

Politics4Future Kick-off Event ©Leuphana/Marie Meyer
Partners kick-off meeting of Politics4Future project 19 to 22 June 2022. First row from left to right : Mirian Vilela, Laura Sauer, Alicia Jimenez, Vassilios Makrakis and Katrin Kohl Second row from left to right: Deepika Joon, Maxi Baumert, Charline Rieffel, Alexander Seigmund, Matthias Barth and Charles Hopkins
Politics4Future project partners near the Teufelsbrücke in Lüneburg ©Marie Meyer Leuphana.
Politics4Future project partners near the Teufelsbrücke in Lüneburg, 21 June 2022. Sitting from left to right: Charline Rieffel and Alicia Jimenez, Standing left to right: Laura Sauer, Vassilios Makrakis, Mirian Vilela, Nina Bottenberg and Maxi Baumert


Matthias Barth/Deepika Joon

Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Institute for Sustainable Development and Learning

Universitätsallee 1

D-21335 Lüneburg
