
Dr. Juri Pärn: "Beyond-Touch: Conversati​​onal Commerce @ Otto"

17. Mai

Im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums Wirtschaftsinformatik und Data Science referiert Dr. Juri Pärn, Senior Data Scientist bei OTTO, über "Beyond-Touch: Conversati​​onal Commerce @ Otto".




Datum und Ort:  17. Mai 2018  12:15 Uhr  C 11.008


Developments in machine learning allow more and more text and speech based interactions with computer systems. To utilize these new developments the Otto Group is developing its own Conversational Commerce platform. In my talk I will introduce main concepts of chatbots and voice assistant systems, give an overview of the current state and limitations of these systems and share insights we have gained at Otto developing a chatbot.


Prof. Dr. Burk­hardt Funk
Uni­ver­si­täts­al­lee 1, C4.307
21335 Lüne­burg
Fon +49.4131.677-1593