Forschungskolloquium Wirtschaftsinformatik

27. Jan

Im Rah­men des For­schungs­kol­lo­qui­ums Wirt­schafts­in­for­ma­tik und Data Sci­ence re­fe­riert am 27. Januar 2022 ab 16:15 Uhr, Herr Tobias Brandt, Professor of Information Systems & Public Sector Digitalization - European Research Center of Information Systems der Universität Münster via Zoom über „Assessing the Resilience of Urban Populations through Social Media Analytics“.

Social media offers a glimpse into the thoughts and opinions of its users in real-time, providing decision-makers with potentially valuable information during times of crisis. We analyze the degree to which social media can be used to observe the resilience of a specific urban population in the face of adversity. For this purpose, we leverage a data set of more than 72 million tweets from the Greater London area between 2015 and the present. We construct two indicators (based on tweets related to anxiety and the average sentiment) and observe the stability of these indicators and their reaction to major events before 2020. We then explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, finding a substantial increase in the share of anxiety-related tweets, but also in the average sentiment. We discuss possible underlying dynamics that drive these partially counterintuitive results and methodological approaches to control for them as the project progresses.


Meeting-ID: 99663552105
Passwort: FoKoWI