Vortrag "From Course to OpenCourseWare"

06. Jul

Auf Einladung von Prof. Dr. Funk vom Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik referiert Herr David J. Malan am 06. Juli 2022 um 16:15 Uhr hybrid (in Präsenz und via Zoom) über "From Course to OpenCourseWare".

David J. Malan ist Gordon McKay Professor für die Praxis der Informatik an der Harvard University in der School of Engineering and Applied Sciences sowie Mitglied der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften an der Graduate School of Education und Executive Fellow an der Harvard Business School. Er unterrichtet Computer Science 50, auch bekannt als CS50, der zu den größten Kursen der Harvard University, einem der größten Kurse der Yale University und dem größten MOOC von edX mit mehr als 3,7 Millionen Teilnehmern zählt.

Für diesen Vortrag bitten wir bis zum 05. Juli 2022 um Anmeldung per E-Mail unter iis@leuphana.de . Bitte geben Sie darin an, ob Sie in Präsenz oder via Zoom teilnehmen möchten.


CS50 is Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, a one-semester amalgam of courses generally known as CS1 and CS2. In 2007, we set out to alter the course's style and tone to resonate with students "less comfortable" and "more comfortable" alike, albeit without sacrificing the course's historical rigor. We maintained the course's underlying syllabus but revamped every problem set, providing students not only with more direction but context as well. And we augmented the course's support structure. As of 2022, CS50 is one of Harvard's largest courses, with over 700 students on campus, up from 132 in 2006, and those "less comfortable" now compose the course's largest demographic. CS50 is now offered in parallel at Yale University as well.
In 2007, we also made CS50 freely available as OpenCourseWare: anyone online is welcome to take the course on their own, and teachers welcome to adopt or adapt its curriculum for their own classrooms.  CS50 now also exists as CS50 AP, an adaptation specifically for high schools. And CS50 exists, too, as CS50x, edX's largest MOOC (massive open online course), with more than 3.7 million registrants to date.
We present in this talk what we have done and why we have done it, curricularly, technologically, and philosophically.

Foto David Malan ©David Malan