Teaching Human-Animal Studies Symposium

International Symposium, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Central Building (Libeskind-Bau) 40.704, January 23–25, 2020

In re­cent ye­ars, the field of hu­man-ani­mal stu­dies has ex­pe­ri­en­ced an un­pre­ce­den­ted growth. In­de­ed, the ani­mal turn, as Har­riet Rit­vo cal­led this pa­ra­digm shift, has pro­mo­ted “new un­der­stan­dings of the role of ani­mals in the past and at pre­sent.” Among other as­pects, scho­lars have be­gun to ex­plo­re the agen­cy of ani­mals and to dis­cuss their in­flu­ence on sto­ry­tel­ling and the con­struc­tion of know­ledge. Gi­ven the­se de­ve­lop­ments and the emer­gence of hu­man-ani­mal stu­dies as a dis­tinct in­sti­tu­tio­na­li­zed dis­cour­se, it is so­mew­hat sur­pri­sing that the ques­ti­ons of how we teach hu­man-ani­mal stu­dies and how this field may chan­ge did­ac­tics have re­cei­ved litt­le at­ten­ti­on.

Addressing this gap, the sym­po­si­um “Teaching Hu­man-Ani­mal Stu­dies” explores dif­fe­rent ways of teaching hu­man-ani­mal stu­dies in school and uni­ver­si­ty class­rooms. Are­as of in­te­rest in­clu­de, but are not li­mi­ted to, the following topics:

  • Human-Animal Studies in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education
  • Teaching Literature, Film and Human-Animal Studies
  • Human-Animal Studies in Political and Philosophical Education
  • Interspecies Societies and Relations after the Animal Turn
  • Teaching Human-Animal Studies in the Face of Extinction

We cordially invite all scholars, teachers, and students to join us for the sym­po­si­um. The symposium is or­ga­ni­zed by Mi­cha Ed­lich, An­dre­as Hübner, and Ma­ria Moss un­der the aus­pices of the In­sti­tu­te of Eng­lish Stu­dies.

Please register via e-mail at teaching.has@leuphana.de by January 17, 2020.

The registration fee is € 50,00.

International Symposium
Teaching Human-Animal Studies
Jan 23–25, 2020
Re­gis­ter via e-mail by January 17, 2020

Micha Edlich | Andreas Hübner | Maria Moss | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | Institute of English Studies | Universitätsallee 1 | 21335 Lüneburg | teaching.has@leuphana.de | 04131.677-2090