Why do I have to go abroad?
According to §8 Master-Verordnung (MaVO) of the state of Lower Saxony as well as the RPO of Leuphana University, teacher training students who study a modern language must complete a study-related stay abroad:
- Where a modern foreign language is being studied, a three month study-related stay abroad must be completed in a country in which that language is an official language.
- The stay abroad must be completed during/between the Bachelors or/and Master's degree.
- A completed stay-abroad before one's studies cannot be taken into account.
The full German-language text of the regulation is available under the following link:
Masters Degree Regulation
I have been abroad before. Do I have to go again?
Yes. The Masterverordnung specifies that the stay abroad must be completed during the Bachelors/Masters degree. Stays that have been completed before will not be recognised.
What does 'study related' mean?
In order for your stay to be recognised, it needs to be study-relevant. That means the stay abroad must allow you to experience the English language sufficiently in its socio-cultural context. Such a context enables you to reflect upon what you have learned about language and culture throughout your studies in order to teach this to learners.
Relevant study-related stays abroad in the English-speaking world include:
- Teaching (school, university, informal educational settings)
- Observing/shadowing a teacher (school, university, informal educational settings)
- Studying at an English speaking university
- Working/volunteering at an English speaking association, language course, organisation, business or company
When arranging your stay abroad, you must ensure that it is in an environment where you will be actively using English on a daily basis. A stay abroad in which primarily German is spoken will not be recognised. Search our internal log-in area for further information and placement opportunities.
Is it possible to spend the first study-related internship "SPS I" abroad?
Yes, you can combine your stay abroad and your first internship in school.
Is it possible to spend the second study-related internship ''SPS 2'' abroad?
Yes, you can combine your stay abroad and your second internship in school.
How many hours per week will I have to work/study during the stay abroad?
We expect you to be engaged in the relevant study-related activities (internship/study programme) for at least 25 hours a week.
When is the best time to go?
There are a number of possible time slots that we recommend. We ask you of course to consider the demands of your other subjects in planning when you go abroad:
a) During SPS 1 (first teaching practice):
It is possible to do your SPS 1 abroad. This way, you "kill two birds with one stone", completing your SPS 1 and your stay abroad requirements simultaneously. Plus, you get an insight into the school system of another country.
b) During SPS 2 (second teaching practice). See point (a).
c) Between your Bachelor and Masters Studies. You need to be matriculated during this time.
Specifically, depending on your course of studies:
d) For Lehren & Lernen: After the 4th semester and before the 5th semester: If you are not taking advantage of the possibility of doing SPS 2 abroad, SPS 2 is done after the stay abroad.
e) For GHR-300 students:
In between the second and the third semester (right after your internship) may be suitable depending on the Projektband which you are taking. From the point of view of the modules you have to take, it is a suitable term. We advise you to speak to your professors/ lecturers to come to constructive solutions. The fourth semester is also possible from the point of view of the modules you have to take. However, please note that this is the semester in which you are obliged to write your MA thesis.
f) For students of Social and Business Education (BA Sozialpädagogik; BA Wirtschaftspädagogik):
In the 5th semester.
If you choose to study at a university abroad, there are particular time slots that the university recommends:
a) For Bachelor students: The 5th semester
b) For Masters students: The 3rd semester
PLEASE NOTE: In some second subjects, a certain sequence of modules must be adhered to. If, as a result of your stay abroad, you cannot comply with these regulations you must submit a formal request to the Prüfungsausschuss in order to be granted an exception.
What if my stay abroad overlaps with the beginning of the new semester?
The maximum number of weeks that will be accepted in the Institute of English Studies is 3 weeks. This should be discussed with course instructors in advance. It is up to the discretion of other institutes to approve any reductions. Please talk to individual instructors.
Can I take a semester off (Urlaubssemester) when going abroad?
You can not take a semester off (Urlaubssemester) when doing your study-related stay abroad.
Can I stay less than three months or split my stay?
Ideally, the three months should be completed in one block. However, splitting in two blocks (2 x 1,5 months or 1+2 months) is generally granted. In any case, splitting must be discussed with the Destination Abroad office prior to the first stay abroad.
In which countries can I complete my stay abroad?
You may complete your stay abroad in any country in which English is an official or a de facto language.
(Note: If you study abroad it is not sufficient if your courses are held in English but the country's official language is not English (e.g. Sweden, Turkey). English needs to be spoken in an official capacity.)
I want to study abroad. Is that possible?
Yes, studying abroad at a university in an English-speaking country meets all requirements for the stay abroad.
The International Office (IO) is the best place to go if you are interested in studying abroad. They will help you with organisational questions, the application process for university placements and the assistant teaching programme. There is also information about internships abroad on the website, though not specifically tailored to English language students.
Studying abroad: which exchange programmes are available?
If you are interested in spending a period of study abroad while matriculated at Leuphana you can search the IO database to find a suitable exchange programme:
MoveON - Austauschprogramme mit Partnerhochschulen (moveon4.de)
Studying abroad: How do I choose my modules?
When studying abroad, you should choose the modules you think are suitable for your course of studies and okay them with Dr. Ulrike Köhler. If you have any difficulties taking these courses when you get there, then choose alternative courses and okay these again with Dr. Ulrike Köhler. The procedure happens in the framework of a learning agreement. This document gives you the security that the modules that you choose will be accepted by us. The learning agreement is provided by the International Office. The whole procedure is explained in detail on their website.
Does the placement have to be in a pedagogical or school environment?
No. The main question is, whether the placement fulfills the requirements of being study-relevant. It does not have to be in a pedagogical or school environment, although this might be a great opportunity to apply your theoretical knowledge to practice.
Where can I get financial support?
(a) Support for stay at partner universities:
- Fee waivers are available (for Leuphana students abroad, as well as for foreign students at Leuphana)
- Erasmus+ support is available for all exchange programmes in Europe (Note: stays in the UK will be funded only until May 2023)
- PROMOS semester bursaries are available for countries outside Europe (DAAD; apply through the International Office)
- Further bursaries are available (mostly for 1-year stays abroad)
- BAföG for stays abroad (depending on income)
- For stays abroad during the MA (or other type of Zweitstudium) some costs can be detracted in your first tax return
(b) Support for internships abroad
- Support for internships directly arranged by the students (1-6 months; Lehramt, all subjects and type of schools). Apply directly to DAAD: studieren-weltweit.de/Lehramt
- Support for internships directly arranged by the students in Europe (2-12 months). Apply through the Leuphana International Office. Info: www.uni-hannover.de/eupraktika
-Support for and offer of foreign language assistantships (5-11 months). Apply to the Pedagogical Exchange Service : https://www.kmk-pad.org/programme/fremdsprachenassistenzkraefte/studierende-aus-deutschland.html
International Office contact person: Frau Eva Vosshagen
How do I get my stay recognised?
After your stay abroad, bring originals of the required documents to the Studierendenservice for approval and recognition.
The required documents are:
- Confirmation of your activities and the duration of your stay abroad from your employer/the university/the language school
- Completed form "Agreement Stay Abroad" (needs to be signed BEFORE your stay abroad)
- Proof of completed "Questionnaire Destination Abroad"
- Completed form "Certificate of Completion"
Please bring originals of all documents!
I am a native speaker. Do I have to go abroad?
Yes. The Masterverordnung applies to all students equally.
Do I need to be matriculated during my stay abroad?
Yes, you need to be matriculated for the complete duration of your stay abroad experience.
What information should I provide the first time I contact the DA office?
The DA procedure can sometimes take longer than we (or you) would like. However, our experience is that following the steps below and providing the complete information under (3) at first contact with us significantly speeds up communication and cuts waiting times.
Please follow these steps:
Inform yourself in detail on the Destination Abroad website about:
a. Rules and Regulations
b. Procedures and Process
c. Forms and Templates
d. Experiences and Partnerships
e. Internship vs. Study Abroad
f. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs are important!!)
Search and make initial contact with potential hosting institutions to agree on possible dates and tasks
Contact the Destination Abroad Office via email and send us an initial plan draft for discussion
Concerning point (3) your plan draft needs to contain information about
- which country you would like to visit
- whether you would like to do an internship or study abroad
- for how long and when you would like to go (provisional from/to dates DD/MM/YYYY)
- whether your stay abroad is going to overlap with your lectures/seminars and for how long
- what type of activities you are going to do (internship), what courses you plan to study (study abroad)
- information about initial contacts with institutions (potentially) willing to host you
- In case you study abroad, if you have already agreed on courses to take with Dr Köhler
Once a course of action is agreed upon (based on our assessment of the points in 3), we will confirm that you can fill in and sign the Agreement Stay Abroad (ASA). You can download the form you need from our website.