Information Systems, in particular Machine Learning


We are interested in statistical machine learning with a focus on spatiotemporal problems, such as user navigation on the web, adaptive testing and adaptive learning environments, and the coordination of football players on the pitch. While we mainly focus on basic research, we also collaborate with selected partners in academia, sports and industry in different projects (→ group web page).


Our teaching focuses on introductory/advanced machine learning and data mining as well as basic statistics. We regularly offer courses in the Management & Data Science Master and the Information Systems Bachelor programs. Exemplary courses comprise Deep Learning (Data Science), Statistics (Information Systems), and Machine Learning & Data Mining (Engineering).

Thesis supervision

We regularly supervise Bachelor and Master thesis. Just talk to one of us if you are interested in writing your thesis with us. 


Head of the Department

  • Prof. Dr. Ulf Brefeld

Guest researcher

  • Prof. Dr. Valéria Quadros dos Reis

Office Management

  • Diana Kästner
  • Madlen Schmaltz

Research Assistants

  • Soham Majumder, M.Sc.
  • Kai Neubauer, M. Sc.
  • Tino Paulsen, M.Sc.
  • Yannick Rudolph, M.Sc.
  • Moritz-Hauke Wohlstein, B.Sc.