CCS Colloquium - Mimmi Woisnitza and Anna Kipke

12. Dec

6:15pm - 7:45pm, C5.311

The Center for Critical Studies research colloquium takes place three times a semester, with CCS members invited to present their research in progress.

In this session, Mimmi Woisnitza will present the following paper: “Zur Porosität historischer Darstellung: Asja Lācis’ Revolutionäre Theaterpraxis 1917-1937". Furthermore Anna Kipke will present a project with the title "Krise, Intervention, Heilung. Über (Lebensformen in) künstlerischen Praktiken des Therapeutischen".

More information to follow.

The Center for Critical Studies colloquium is organised by Heiko Stubenrauch and Liza Mattutat.

This meeting of the colloquium will take place in German/English.
