Doctoral Dissertations

The members of both the departments of Philosophy and of Art History are engaged in a wide range of research activities. Doctoral candidates make a significant contribution to the Institute’s research environment. Some are engaged with doctoral research as members of the "Cultures of Critique: Forms, Media, Effects" research training group and others are carrying out doctoral projects associated directly with the Institute’s professors. An overview of current and completed doctoral dissertations can be found below.

The list is currently still in the process of being compiled. Please contact if you would like to be added to the overview.

Current Doctoral Dissertations



Levin BoazAn Environmental History of Photography: from the long 16th century to the present.
David CabreraA museum of Memory for Colombia: The emergence of a controversial space
Lorenzo CapitanioThe Traces of the Infinite. Friedrich Creuzer’s Myth Interpretation and the Romantic Symbol
Raphael DaibertLifting the Sky: Practices to Sustain Worlds Otherwise
Volha DavydzikRe-thinking Solidarity and Care Infrastructures in Belarusian Protest Art, 2020-2021
Alan Díaz AlvaAbjection and Formlessness: Value, Digitality, and the Differential Allocation of Form
Felix Leonhart EschThe Dialectic of the Body Politic - A Study of the Transformation of the modern Social Body
Marianna Gefen(In)visible Women: Female Surveillance and the Transformative Lens of Media Art
Lara GrandchampAn indexicality of time – How the work of Rachel Whiteread can enhance the handling of heritage and bring perspectives to the field of experimental preservation.
Till HahnMarx’s Concept of Form - On the Metaphysic of Capital
Adrian HanselmannFélix Guattari and the Molecular Revolution in Italy
Henrike HellerArt and Life - Women of the Ahrenshoop Artists' Colony 1880-1945
Ulrike JordanArtists enter the factory. Artistic working methods in industrial enterprises of the 1970s
Rebecca Hanna JohnTransnational Memory Work as Resistance. Archival Critique in Jumana Manna’s, Akram Zaatari’s, and Farah Saleh’s Artistic Practices
Deiara Semeco KoutoThe Notion of Sensing in Contemporary Art. The Transcultural Concept of Anton Wilhelm Amo in Relation to the Production of Knowledge in Exhibitions, Curatorial and Mediation Programs
Clemens KrümmelReportage Drawing – Rhetorics of Engagement in Artistic Drawing after World War II
Fabio MarianiSubjective, Uncertain, and Vague Information in Digital Art History
Pablo MüllerInvolved Art Criticism. Practices and Strategies in the Magazine Texte zur Kunst, 1990 - 2000
Benedetta MilaniThe Digital World as a Symbolic Form
Mahsa NarimaniCultural Body of Iranian Exile Dancers
Dahl Nyamgerel

The Philosophy of history and poetical historiography in Friedrich Hoelderlin

Melcher RuhkopfThe Logistical Museum – Circulation and Connectivity in Contemporary Museum Practice
Laura Felicitas Sabel

Praxes of the Transitory: Restitution, Museum Practice, and the (Im)material Cultural Heritage of the Tairona’s Descendants in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia 

Stephanie SeidelSpeculative Histories: Betye Saar's Installations
Simone Spinelli

Limit and Transgression: A Critical Analysis of Gender Binarism Based on Some Philosophical Concepts by Georges Bataille

Ruth StammLinen from the Wendland Region and its Colonial Legacy. Tracing a Transcultural Entanglement in the 18. and 19. Century
Saina TarverdyPerverse Topologies: Poetics of Sensuous Spatiality
Katharina TchelidzeFormations and artistic practices of the avant-garde group H2SO4 in Georgia
Andrea VölkerArt, Canon and Museum. The (Re)presentation of 19th Century Art. An exemplary Analysis of the Hamburger Kunsthalle
Julian Volz

'Alger la Blanche' becomes 'Alger la Rouge' - On the heritage of the anti-colonial movements in contemporary art

Christopher WeickenmeierInstitutional Deaths - Palliative institutional critique in contemporary art
Anna KipkeEmma Kunz. Therapeutic Lines


Completed Doctoral Dissertations



Dr. Sebastián Eduardo Dávila

Materiality in Art Practices from Postwar Guatemala. Bodies, Soil, Meat, Cosmos

Dr. Thorsten SchneiderCriticism of ideology in German-language art history around 1968 and its potential for contemporary art criticism
Dr. Ana Teixeira PintoEntropy and the Chronopolitics of Modernity