Institute for production technology and systems
The members of the Institute for Production Technology and Systems (IPTS) carry out work on a wide range of engineering-related research questions.
When it comes to subjects, the members of the Institute concentrate on the topics of supply chain management and production management, as well as on measurement, control, plasma, production and material technology. Within these fields, we aim to answer current research questions through both experimental work and the use of digital modelling. Our overarching goal here is to provide better solution strategies for complex problems within the field of engineering.
Research Aktivities
Elektrotechnik und Didaktik der Ingenieurwissenschaften
PD Dr. habil. Brit-Maren Block
Manufacturing technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Noomane Ben Khalifa
Measurement and Sensor Technology in Production Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ghada Bouattour
Modelling and simulating technical systems and processes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Heger
Product Development and Design
Prof. Dr.Ing- Arthur Seibel
Control and drive systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paolo Mercorelli
Materials Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Klusemann
Modelling in the field of local engineering
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anthimos Georgiadis
The members of the department investigate this field from both a production management and a technical perspective.
Cooperations with companies and external research institutes play an important role in the IPTS work. We collaborate with our industry partners to create practically-oriented solutions to problems within industrial practice. This allows us to transfer our research findings directly into industrial companies, thus helping to improve our partners' competitiveness. A particular highlight of our work is the strong partnership which exists between the IPTS and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, which is formally expressed in the form of two shared professorships at the IPTS.
More information on current and completed projects can be found in the research database and on the people pages.
The Institute for Production Technology and Systems (IPTS) trains the Engineers of tomorrow at the University of Lueneburg.
The courses offered at the College includes the Major Engineering (Industry), encompassed within the three-year Leuphana Bachelors, along with events during the Leuphana semester and complementary studies.
At the Graduate School the Masters program "Management and Engineering" can be studied.
Finally, at the Professional School the MBA Digital Production Management and the MSc Engineering (Industry) with the participation of the IPTS are offered.
Within the Leuphana Bachelor, Major in Engineering (Industry) there is the opportunity to specialise in automation technology and production technology.
Combined with the Major Engineering, the Minor (minor subjects) automation technology, production technique (both covered by the IPTS), business administration , computer science and e-business are offered.
The Masters Degree course in Management and Engineering (MSc) is offered with the focus on Automation and Production Technology.
Offers in Bachelor:
Offers in Master:
Study part-time
MBA Digital Production Management
Business Engineering (M.Sc.)