Honory Doctorate 2014

In recognition of her achievements in the empirical study of the legal process, the Faculty of Business & Economics of Leuphana University Lüneburg awards Prof. Deborah R. Hensler an honorary doctorate in Law (Dr. jur. h.c.).

Deborah R. Hensler is one of the leading scholars in the field of Civil Justice. She studied Political Science at Hunter College, New York and was awarded her Ph.D. in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1973. She then joined the RAND research corporation in Santa Monica, California, where she worked as a social scientist and made the study of the legal system her research focus. more

In recognition of his achievements in the field of transformational sustainability science, the Faculty of Sustainability Sciences of Leuphana University Lüneburg awards  Professor Michael C. Crow an honorary doctorate in Philosophy  (Dr. phil. h.c.).

Michael Crow is one of the pioneers in the field of transformational sustainability science. His intellectual and institutional contributions toward the establishment of this field of science can scarcely be overstated. Like no other scientist, he has shaped and successfully implemented the model of a university for the civil society of the 21st century. more

In recognition of her achievements in the field of epistemology, the Faculty of Sustainability Sciences of Leuphana University Lüneburg awards Prof. Dr. Helga Nowotny an honorary doctorate in Philosophy (Dr. phil. h.c.).  

Helga Nowotny is a European researcher in social studies of science. Born in 1937 in Vienna, she completed her studies of law there with a doctorate. After working as an associate professor at the Institute for Criminology at the University of Vienna, she moved to New York, where she earned a Ph.D. in Sociology at Columbia University in 1969. more

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