Students help shape the university

Apart from their own professional training, students are also active in various organisational areas at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. In this respect, they share part of the responsibility for the teaching and learning and the work of the university as a whole and are committed to innovation and development. The student body is a legally binding, federal entity which influences the university’s managerial tasks. With numerous independent initiatives, it contributes to the vibrancy of life on and around the campus and to the academic work.

Possibilities of formal student participation

The General Students’ Committee (German abbreviation: AStA)

Professorial Appointments Committees

Students Initiatives Organisation (DSi)

Faculty student councils and programme student councils

Faculty Councils

Research Committees

Budget Committees

Scientific Misconduct Investigation Committee

Course evaluation (German abbreviation: LVE)

Programme Advisory Councils

Examination Boards

Quality Circles


Senate Committees

The Studentenwerk: Administrative Council, Regional Council, Board of Directors

Course Committees

Students Parliament (German abbreviation: StuPa)

Study Quality Assessment Committee

Central Academic Board College

Central Academic Board Graduate School

Central Academic Board Professional School

Possibilities of formal student participation

The General Students’ Committee (German abbreviation: AStA)

AStA acts as the student body’s formally constituted 'executive' and represents students’ interests vis-à-vis the university’s executives, the Board of Trustees and third parties. It represents the students’ social, cultural and policy-related interests. In addition, AStA offers various services, which are detailed on its website, as well as various Units, which allow students to volunteer in various areas, such as culture, politics or political education and social issues.

How many students are concerned?

Four AStA spokespersons, as well as further AStA members or Unit members and contributors to the services offered.

How can students participate?

All students can participate. The AStAspokespersons, including individual voluntary Unit leaders are elected by the Students’ Parliament.


AStA bureau
Fon: +49.4131.677-1510

Professorial Appointments Committees

The Professorial Appointments Committees select applicants who appear to be qualified for a vacant professorship and issue a recommendation to the Faculty Council, the Senate and the Board of Governors.

How many students are concerned?

One or two per Committee

How can students participate?

The Committee members are appointed by the relevant faculty. As a rule, students are nominated for election by the faculty/programme student councils or the student members of the faculty council.


Faculties' Offices

Students Initiatives Organisation (DSi)

The Students Initiatives Organisation is an umbrella organisation which, amongst others, manages the students’ initiatives network.

How many students are concerned?

One per Initiative

How can students participate?

The Representatives' General Meeting brings together one representative from each of the registered students’ initiatives. The students’ initiatives appoint their own representatives independently. The Representatives' General Meeting also votes to approve the DSi members (without voting rights).


DSi bureau
Fon: +49.4131.677-1520
Fax: +49.4131.677-1521

Faculty student councils and programme student councils

Faculty student councils represent the interests of the students of the relevant faculty or the respective programmes of study, and as contact persons, are at the disposal of the students if they have queries, remarks or issues. Furthermore, they act as a point of contact for the Deans' Offices and organise student events.

How many students are concerned?

Five elected members per programme student council

How can students participate?

In principle, everyone may actively participate in the faculty/programme student councils of any course of studies. During the students’ elections, students are nominated to stand as candidates and may be elected into office. Non-elected members may also participate in the faculty/programme student councils at any time.


Varies according to the faculty/programme student council (further information)


Faculty Councils

The Faculty Council passes resolutions on matters essentially relating to the research and teaching. It votes on the Regulations of the faculty, in particular on the Examinations Regulations, and takes a position on the introduction of fundamental changes and the shutting down of programmes of study vis-à-vis the Board of Governors.

How many students are concerned?  

Two in the Faculty of Economics, one in the School of Education, Culture and Society, Management and Technology, Sustainability, Public Affairs.

How can students participate?

Interested students can be nominated to stand as candidates and may be elected into office.


Dean's Office of the faculties or the faculty/programme student councils

Research Committees

The Research Committee is generally concerned with the research activities and future research projects in the relevant faculty. It also deliberates on the awarding of doctoral and post-doctoral grants, as well as the constitution of research colloquies.

How many students are concerned?

One per Committee

How can students participate?

The faculty/programme student council or the Vice-Dean of Students or the student member of the Faculty Council suggests a candidate, whom the Faculty Council then elects.


Dean's Offices of the faculties

Budget Committees

The Budget Committee’s primary task consists of the allocation of financial means within the faculty. It agrees on the criteria to allocate these funds and evaluates the acquisition of third-party funds.

How many students are concerned?

One per Committee

How can students participate?

The faculty/programme student council or the Vice-Dean of Students or the student member of the Faculty Council suggests a candidate, whom the Faculty Council then elects.


Faculties' Offices

Scientific Misconduct Investigation Committee

The Scientific Misconduct Investigation Committee monitors the rules for safeguarding good academic practice and determines whether scientific misconduct has been has been committed in individual cases.

How many students are concerned?


How can students participate?

This Committee is appointed by the Board of Governors upon the recommendation of the Deans.


Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis (click for further information)


Course evaluation (German abbreviation: LVE)

At Leuphana University, students are regularly asked to evaluate the quality of the teaching as they perceive it. For this purpose, Team Q distributes questionnaires which students fill out with feedback about the taught units which are passed on to teaching staff (course evaluation); they are also asked about their opinion on the study programmes as a whole (framework surveys: end-of studies survey, mid-course evaluation, alumni survey). The Course evaluation results are discussed in the lectures and in an aggregated form in the quality circles, and the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses spurs the improvement of teaching. The results of the system surveys are also discussed in the quality circles (see further possibilities for participation) and the responsible persons derive corresponding measures (course leaders, etc.).

How many students are concerned?

All Leuphana students

How can students participate?

Students can participate in the Leuphana course evaluation as soon as the questionnaires are distributed or made available online for the surveys. If students want to suggest a particular taught unit to be surveyed, they can address the lecturers directly or contact the representatives of the faculty/programme student councils.


  • Ina Pidun

Programme Advisory Councils

The programme leaders set up independent Programme Advisory Councils for all programmes of study and subject-overarching course elements. They support the syllabus delegate with continued development of the content and, where appropriate, the strategic positioning of the study programmes. The programme advisory councils fulfil the following tasks: Counselling: the programme advisory councils support syllabus delegates in the further development of programmes of study. They voice recommendations on the profile of the study programme, providing expert opinion: the programme advisory councils examine the programmes within the scope of the internal audit procedure according to the system accreditation and to clearly defined, subject-related criteria, and draw up formal written opinions.

How many students are concerned?

As a rule, the programme advisory councils have one internal or external student member.

How can students participate?

Interested students should contact the respective syllabus delegate. The syllabus delegates consult with the respective Dean of Studies to propose members of the programme advisory councils for election. They are then appointed by the Board of Governors in consultation with the Deans.


Examination Boards

The Examination Boards of the respective programmes of studies or cross-disciplinary modules and Leuphana Semester all deal with questions and procedures concerning examination matters. For example, examining relevant applications and appeals, appointing examiners, setting deadlines and confirming bachelor's / master's theses and supervisors.

How many students are concerned?

One per committee

How can students participate?

Student members of the Examination Boards are elected during Faculty Council sessions. The Senate appoints the members of the faculty-overarching programmes (Leuphana Semester, Professional School).


Faculties' Offices

Quality Circles

The Quality Circle is an expert discussion to ensure and improve the quality of the study programme. Quality Circles are held annually for each major (and corresponding minors) and give students a low-threshold opportunity to give feedback on the direction and implementation of their study programme.

How many students are concerned?

All students interested

How can students participate?

The course leaders send invitations to the respective quality circles, indicating the date. All students are generally invited to participate without previous registration.


The course leadership (depending on the major), the course leaders of the majors and the coordinators, as well as the Quality Management Representatives of the relevant faculty


The Senate is the elected university committee for academic self-government chaired by the President. The Senate is concerned, among others, with the examinations regulations for faculty-overarching courses, development planning and the university's constitution. Senate sessions are open to the public.

How many students are concerned?


How can students participate?

All students are free to stand for election to the Senate, independently of which faculty they belong to. The student senators are elected by the students during the academic elections.


  • Dr. Nadine Rippert

Senate Committees

The various topic- and area-specific commissions discuss and formulate subject-related contributions and papers for the Senate. An overview of current Senate Commissions as well as further information on the Senate Commissions can be found here.

How many students are concerned?

One to three

How can students participate?

The Senate appoints the members of the respective Committees upon the suggestion of the student senators. All interested students can run for office.


  • Dr. Nadine Rippert

The Studentenwerk: Administrative Council, Regional Council, Board of Directors

Students have various possibilities to participate in the improvement and further development of the activities of the Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen (Students Support Organisation for East Lower Saxony). While the Studentenwerk’s Regional Council deals specifically with local matters, the Administrative Council appoints its directing manager and handles legal and budgetary affairs.

How many students are concerned?

One student each in the Regional Council / Administrative Council / Board of Directors

How can students participate?

The Students' Parliament elects their representative from among the students who are standing for office. The member of the Board of Directors of each site is nominated for election to the Administrative Council by the Students’ Parliament. All students can stand for election.


Students Parliament

Course Committees

The Course Committees' are fundamentally concerned with the topic of teaching, including the range of courses on offer. The School of Education, the School of Culture and SocietyCultural Studies, the School of Sustainability, the Scool of Public Affairs and the Scool of Management and Technology haveCourse Committees' for their Bachelor's and Master's program as well as the interdisciplinary Course Committees' Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies.

How many students are concerned?

Half of the voting members (max. twelve) are students.

How can students participate?

The members of the faculties’ Course Committees are elected by the respective group representatives in faculty council cessions. Faculty-overarching programmes of study and course offers can also set up Course Committees; in this case, the Board of Governors determines whether the members are elected by the respective representatives of the faculty of the faculties concerned or by the representatives in the Senate.


In the college, contact the relevant Dean’s office; in the Graduate School, the relevant Master’s Programmes Directors, as well as the Faculty student councils and programme student councils.

Students Parliament (German abbreviation: StuPa)

The Students’ Parliament is the student body’s highest decision-making entity. It is responsible for general student policy, elects the AStA speakers, and votes on the students’ budget. The StuPa also organises various committees and open work groups on various topics, in which all students can participate.

How many students are concerned?


How can students participate?

To stand for election, each student can be listed as an individual or as part of a list. The elections are held within the scope of the students elections. The sessions of the Students’ Parliament are open to members of the University; all students have speaking rights and the right to submit motions.


Students Parliament


Study Quality Assessment Committee

The Study Quality Assessment Committee decides, in agreement with the University’s Board of Governors, about the use and allocation of the budgetary means to enhance courses’ quality. It discusses applications for the use of budgetary means to enhance courses’ quality and reviews their eligibility for support from the point of views of contents and statutory situation.

How many students are concerned?

5  (1 per faculty, distributed among College and Graduate School)

How can students participate?

The student members are elected to Faculty Councils by the group representatives of their status groups in the faculty councils, whilst ensuring that all faculties are represented.


  • Thies Reinck, M.A.

Central Academic Board College

The Central Academic Board College deals with all faculty-overarching matters of study and teaching within the scope of the College.

How many students are concerned?

6 (one per faculty, as well as one for the Leuphana semester / cross-disciplinary modules)

How can students participate?

Voting members of the Central Academic Board College are the respective Deans of studies, as well as one student member each, nominated by the student members of the relevant Course Committees.


  • André Bader

Central Academic Board Graduate School

The Central Academic Board Graduate School deals with all faculty-overarching matters surrounding study and teaching within the framework of the Graduate School.

How many students are concerned?


How can students participate?

Voting members of the Central Academic Board Graduate School are the respective Deans of studies, as well as one student member each, nominated by the student members of the relevant Course Committees.


  • Claudia Echelmeyer, M.A.

Central Academic Board Professional School

The Central Academic Board Professional School deals with all faculty-overarching matters of study and teaching within the framework of the Graduate School.

How many students are concerned?


How can students participate?

Voting members of the Central Academic Board Professional School are the respective Deans of studies, as well as one student member each, nominated by the student members of the relevant Course Committees.


Informal student participation: various formats

Leuphana Salon

Board of Governors Students Workshop

Dialogue: President – General Students’ Committee (AStA) / Students’ Parliament (StuPa)

President - StuPa Visits

Dialogue: Executive Vice-President (HVP) – General Students’ Committee (AStA) / Students’ Parliament (StuPa)

Informal student participation: various formats

Leuphana Salon

The Leuphana Salon provides teaching staff, students, central institutions employees, and individual actors and their initiatives which are involved in the development of teaching material, with the opportunity to present themselves centrally and to receive feedback on their activities, perspectives, and current considerations.

The Leuphana salon is an open salon format without constraints, offering participants a campus-wide possibility to exchange and present information. In addition, the Leuphana Salon is part of the "Leuphana ... means getting there" project (abbreviated LadW from the German name: Leuphana... auf dem Weg!).

How many students are concerned?

All students interested in the event can register with the spokesperson and participate.

How can students participate?

The event-Information and the possibilities for participation are regularly published on the website


    Board of Governors Students Workshop

    The Board of Governors / Student Workshop intends to offer all participants the opportunity to elaborate and discuss ideas, suggestions and impulses for the university’s further development. This annual large-scale event is devoted to a central theme regarding the Leuphana's progress. It aims to encourage interactive exchanges on general questions of university development, academic teaching and basic organisational processes between representatives of the student body, as well as university management and the University's Administration.

    How can students participate?

    All students can participate. The event will be announced and the invitations sent in advance via the Leuphana communication and information channels.


    • Thies Reinck, M.A.

    Dialogue: President – General Students’ Committee (AStA) / Students’ Parliament (StuPa)

    At regular intervals, the President of Leuphana University invites the spokespersons and the chairpersons of the General Students’ Committee (AStA) as well as the Students’ Parliament (StuPa) to participate in dialogue. On these occasions, the President will gather feedback from the student body, discuss joint projects and measures, and answer questions on current development processes at the university.

    How can students participate?

    Participation is open to the speakers of the General Students’ Committee (AStA) as well as the chairs of the Students’ Parliament (StuPa).


    • Thies Reinck, M.A.

    President - StuPa Visits

    At regular intervals, the President of Leuphana University visits the Students’ Parliament (StuPa). He offers an opportunity to the elected members of the Students’ Parliament as well as to all students at Leuphana University to ask questions about current and future development processes at the University.

    How can students participate?

    Participation is open to all elected members of the Students’ Parliament (StuPa) as well as their representatives and all students of the university.


    • Thies Reinck, M.A.

    Dialogue: Executive Vice-President (HVP) – General Students’ Committee (AStA) / Students’ Parliament (StuPa)

    On a regular basis, the Executive Vice-President (HVP), who invites to a dialogue, as well as student representatives of the student body - chairpersons of the student parliament (StuPa), spokespersons of the general student committee (AStA) - exchange views on the development and current topics of Leuphana University.

    How can students participate?

    Participation is open to the chairpersons of the Students’ Parliament (StuPa) as well as to the spokespersons of the General Students’ Committee (AStA).


    • Thies Reinck, M.A.