Professorial Positions

The success of Leuphana University is based on the creativity and energy of its professors and scientific staff. We are striving to provide a framework in which capability and performance are the drivers of academic achievement. We encourage scientists to cross disciplinary boundaries, take responsibility and impact society. We convey this understanding to our students in teaching, research projects and campus life.

We invite you to contribute to our community.

Your application

Application documents

Generally, the following documents are expected:

  • a cover letter/motivation letter,
  • your CV, including education and academic career as well as relevant information on the time span of your academic career including interruptions due to parental leave or similar credital periods,
  • copies of degrees and/or transcripts providing reference of your academic qualification (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate certificates and, if applicable, further postdoctoral qualifications), and
  • if applicable, as requested in the call for proposals: three selected publications.

Additionally, the application materials should provide the following information:

  • an outline each of your research and teaching profile,
  • a list of your publications, if applicable with indication of the main database and, if relevant to your discipline, with stating of your h-index, i10-index or similar numerical indicators of your research performance,
  • a summary of your activities to acquire third-party-funding with information regarding the funding organisation, the funding amount and your role in the application and realisation of the project,
  • an overview of your teaching courses and lectures held,

We accept your application in German or English, unless otherwise stated in the advertisement.
Please submit your application preferably electronically (by e-mail).

Appointment procedure at Leuphana

  • Overview
  • 2. Selection process
  • 3. Appointment list
  • 4. Offer
  • 1. Call for applications

Appointment procedure at Leuphana


The appointment of a professor in Germany is a formal process with several stages and typically takes between 6 to 12 months:

  1. Call for applications
  2. Evaluation and selection of candidates (m/f)
  3. Appointment report and subsequent approval by University boards
  4. Offer of appointment

Open professorship positions are advertised here.

Please understand that we can not consider unsolicited applications.

1. Call for applications

Open professorship positions at Leuphana are advertised here.
Please note that unsolicited applications cannot be accepted.

Application documents

Generally, the following documents are expected:

  • a cover letter/motivation letter,
  • your CV, including education and academic career as well as relevant information on the time span of your academic career including interruptions due to parental leave or similar credital periods,
  • copies of degrees and/or transcripts providing reference of your academic qualification (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate certificates and, if applicable, further postdoctoral qualifications), and
  • three selected publications.

Additionally, we recommend the submission of the following documents:

  • an outline each of your research and teaching profile,
  • a list of your publications, if applicable with indication of the main database and, if relevant to your discipline, with stating of your h-index, i10-index or similar numerical indicators of your research performance,
  • a summary of your activities to acquire third-party-funding with information regarding the funding organisation, the funding amount and your role in the application and realisation of the project,
  • an overview of your teaching courses and lectures held,

We accept your application in German or English, unless otherwise stated in the advertisement.
Please submit your application preferably electronically (by e-mail).

2. Selection process

At Leuphana University an appointment committee

  • evaluates the applications,
  • selects candidates (m/f) to be invited for interviews (short list),
  • requests and considers complementary, comparative external expertise for selected candidates (two external reviews are required as a rule), and
  • recommends candidates (m/f) to be considered for the position (appointment list, including as a general rule three candidates).

The appointment committee consists of five to ten members from different academic status groups: professors, research associates, and students. In addition, further members administer consultative tasks (e.g. faculty dean, women and equal opportunity officer).

3. Appointment list

The appointment committee elaborates an appointment report including the recommendation of candidates (appointment list) for further approval by the University boards:

  • Faculty Council,
  • Academic Senate (statement),
  • Presidential Committee, and finally
  • Board of Trustees.

4. Offer

Following the subsequent approval of the University boards, Leuphana's president initiates appointment negotiations according to the confirmed appointment list.

Upon acceptance of the offer by the successfull candidate (m/f), the remaining applicants are informed about the result of the appointment procedure.

Tenure track professorships

With the tenure-track professorship, Leuphana offers excellent young researchers an attractive and predictable career perspective with optimal development opportunities on the career path to a lifetime professorship. The aim is to retain outstanding young researchers at Leuphana at an early stage of their career.

A tenure track professorship is initially limited to six years as a junior professorship or five years as a professorship. However, subject to a positive evaluation at the end of the tenure-track professorship, the transition to a lifetime professorship is held out. The evaluation based on a quality-assured procedure replaces the usual appointment procedure.

Information on tenure track professorships at Leuphana


Legal framework

Professors are employed in accordance with the conditions of employment for professors under Article 25 (W2/W3 professors) and Article 30 (W1 junior professors) of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG). Leuphana aims to increase its proportion of female professors. Excellent opportunities are available within the university to support women in their academic careers. Qualified female scholars are, therefore, particularly invited to apply. Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions.

Tracks for Growing

The Leuphana University offers as an important part of its human resource development a funding structure based on international standards to qualify junior researchers for an academic carrier and to encourage them in the best way possible. For this purpose, the University created interdependent measures for professional qualification, international networking, the improvement of interdisciplinary and methodological competences and it enables young researchers to form their individual scope of work.

Welcome to Lüneburg

The city of Lüneburg offers a high quality of living. You will find good conditions for combining your academic career and family life. For an easier start in Lüneburg please refer to the following links and information:

Newly appointed professors


Our team is managing the appointment of new professors at Leuphana University and will support you in the process of applying for and starting your professorship. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about being or becoming a professor at Leuphana University.

Faculty Recruiting
Universitätsallee 1, C10.324
21335 Lüneburg


  • Michaela Kaufmann

Team Faculty Recruiting

Schools of Education and Humanities and Social Studies


Schools of Management and Technology, Sustainability and Public Affairs

  • Dr. Mareike Böth

Support with current appointment procedures and administration

  • Nicole Geitner

Service for Newly Appointed Professors



Dr. Antje Bielefeldt: absent until probably initially the end of August 2024