The Student Initiatives Organisation (DSi)

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The Student Initiatives Organisation (DSi) is the federal organisation of the student initiatives at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg; it promotes the cooperation between the initiatives. The DSi supports the work of the initiatives and represents their interests. In addition to this, the DSi is the starting point for all interested students who wish to get involved. This makes the DSi unique in the German academic landscape and plays an important part in the university’s life and student activities. The DSi organises and coordinates, among other things, the "Markt der Möglichkeiten" where student initiatives of Leuphana can present themselves.

For the recognition and registration of new student initiatives as well as changes to existing student initiatives, more detailed information, the Student Initiative Recognition and Registration Policy, and relevant forms and templates are available on the University's Office of legal Affairs intranet site (click here).






Every initiative (action group) must submit a registration sheet on 1st December of each year at the latest. The aim is, among others, to find out which initiatives are presently active at the university and how many students are currently taking part. You can download the questionnaire here.


If initiatives have expenses, they can submit a ‘funding application’ (Finanzantrag) to the DSi. The relevant information, as well as all the necessary application forms can be downloaded here.


The work of student initiatives within the DSi thrives on a culture of short distances and open doors. With the CoWorkingSpace in the row of stores on campus, a space has been created for collaborative work (coworking) and networking. As a retreat for the initiative network, it can create the basis for growing closer together within the university and in the Lüneburg region or beyond, and for further promoting student engagement.

The CoWorkingSpace offers the possibility of various forms of collaboration: CoWorking and CoThinking. The aim is to create a spatial framework that allows people to learn from each other, support each other and create new joint projects. In the CoWorking room, there are desks where people can work on specific topics in so-called “thinking corners”. The space is suitable for organizing team meetings, workshops and official meetings.

The six coworking principles:
Openness | Collaboration | Sustainability | Community | Accessibility | Responsibility

The DSi's CoWorkingSpace is centrally located on campus in the row of stores. For inquiries about using the CoWorkingSpace, please contact the umbrella organization of student initiatives at


Dachverband der Studierendeninitiativen
Universitätsallee 1, C3.108
21335 Lüneburg
Fon +49.4131.677-1520
Fax +49.4131.677-1521

Samantha Pientka, Lea Kraft, Marieke Körber, Jesper Fredrich

Finance Officer:
Mathis Hofmann

(Mailbox in building 6)